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The Baby 2022

If you imagine the team behind Inside No.9 directing The Omen … you get The Baby.

Dark comedy at its finest.

You’ll be laughing for all the wrong reasons.

I loved it.

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Was expecting more from this,think i went to sleep during every episode.Not horror,not comedy just boring nonesense.

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really loved this. unabashed lesbian sensuality with woc at the forefront that doesn’t wither with its message. while slightly muddled at times, this was a frustratingly honest, heartbreaking, and hopeful rounded story that kept me engaged from beginning to end.

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Really wanted to like this. While I think the premise of this show is great, I can't help but feel like it doesn't live up to its potential. What starts fun at first quickly grow stale and less funny. The attempt to make the baby seems sinister falls completely flat and while watching this it keeps me wondering when does the horror part of this horror show reappears.

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I absolutely adore this series. Character development, that baby wow!!!

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Booted to the curb after 3 episodes... not my cup of tea...

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[HBO Max] Approaches motherhood and a certain social imposition on the desire to be a mother from a horror comedy perspective in which the baby becomes the enemy that disrupts the protagonist's entire life. The introduction of domestic abuse as a major part of the plot is less successful, and spinning in circles around how to confront evil is detrimental to the original message.

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Premise seemed worth a look, but 8 episodes later and I have observed neither comedy nor horror... just a sort of general creepiness, achieved in fits and starts.

The sister is a standout in a generally lackluster cast. She wasn't precisely "good" but she was at least interesting to watch.

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