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The 100: Season 7

7x13 Blood Giant

Shout by Phoenixblood
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-09-17T13:50:07Z— updated 2020-09-20T14:38:25Z

-Don't give them the book or I'll kill you!

-Kills him

-You can have the book now guys I gotta go.


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FINALLY! THANK YOU! it took seven freaking seasons to kill Bellamy off, FOR GODS SAKE! He was the worst! Seriously, I couldn't look at his face anymore.

Anyways, best ep of this season, I hope they actually pull a series finale that this show deserve like 3 seasons ago

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This was really great episode for me, I loved all the character interactions they were really good. Murven being the best parts of this episode and the ep earns the title of blood giant, with the amount of death. However I was really confused about the ending with Bellamy death( purportedly I'm still hoping he is alive) personally to me it was a bit out of nowhere and it didnt feel right. I'm gonna watch it again and see, but I personally dont feel that the death is worth the death of a main character who has been in the show for several season. I need more time with it but for now Yu Gonplei ste odon Bellamy Kom Skaikru

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Well I am not upset at all that they killed off Bellamy, he was so annoying and often brainwashed and this time he really crossed the line. I honestly would have done the same and shot him, I wouldn't let him hurt Madi again. But it does bother me that Clarke left the book behind, now she killed him for nothing.

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Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-09-14T19:25:31Z— updated 2022-02-19T15:32:49Z

The writer(s) and director(s) of this show have lost it completely, the story line is all over the place and I basically lost interest a few episodes back with the prequel episode as a tipping point.
Will only watch it til the end to find out if Raven finally will get the cred she deserves or not.

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WTF this episode was about? It is painful to see that they don't know how to end this series.

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Why would Clarke kill Bellamy after 7 seasons and then leave the book for those fanatics anyway? Made no sense. I am not sad because I didn't like Bellamy as a character at all. He's the complete opposite of Murphy whom I love and who had an amazing storyline and character development. Bellamy has no backbone and sense of friendship and loyalty imo. He gets brainwashed so easily it’s almost unbelievable. So good riddance.

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They had us believing that Bellamy was dead, then, oh wait he's alive, nah, nevermind he's dead again!

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Part good part boring episode. Seems to be the MO for this show. Just glad this is coming to an end. This show has ran its course.

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Shout by Allebales
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-24T05:06:40Z— updated 2022-06-25T07:02:13Z

Wow Clarke is the worst lead character i have ever seen. She's a complete hypocrite, she has betrayed her friends too and pretty much always acts like she has the best intentions. Belemy did not deserved to die just because he has other views on something. Holy fuck, this is D&D levels of writing.

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They 100% killed him off just to show us they could :skull::skull:

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No idea whats happening. Wasn't taking much notice. That seemed like too much blood on you know who at the end.

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Took a while for me to come back to this show after the break but wow I couldn't care less now about what happened in this episode... I think watching other better shows spoiled in the meantime spoiled me a bit.

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This season feels very frenetic and all over the place. I'm finding it difficult to get my footing with it.

Whilst I'm glad that the shock ending means we've dealt with the ever looming threat of Bellarke it was an odd scenario to cause it. I get that it was a choice between him or Maddie's safety but it also wasn't clear in the dialogue or set up. Could have been written a lot better.

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Shout by Gotrek Felix
BlockedParent2020-09-03T05:49:29Z— updated 2020-11-04T09:11:04Z

Another break? Seriously? They really dragging this show...

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WTF Clarke, you killed Bellamy for nothing.. seriously F*ck you Clarke.. it's good episode but that ending made me so mad like so sooooo mad

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Why the hell would Clarke kill Bellamy and leave the book????I mean, how dumb and selfish can you be?

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Kinda upset they killed off Bellamy but at the same time I’m not:sob: I also think it was for nothing because the whole reason was so she could get the book and she didn’t even get it:sob: so now they’re still probably gonna show the Shepard and his death will of been for nothing:v:

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