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Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar 2009

This show was just pure awesome. This is definitely the best entry of the Tenchi Muyo series IMO (Tenchi Universe is great too along with the original OVAs) although it is a bit different from the older series. Geminar is actually a mecha harem show with the Tenchi name attached to it. It does delve a bit into the Tenchi mythos but it is more of a separate entity. This is definitely a different world than anything we've seen so far in the Tenchi series and you really get immersed into it. I love harems and this is probably one of the best out there especially with the superb action (well-done mecha action) and story that is incorporated into it. Definitely give this a try even if you're not a fan of harems or the Tenchi series. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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