Shout by Andrew Bloom

[6/10] I’m not sure what I was expecting from an episode made specifically for a cereal box promotion. (Insert an Alan Moore-style “Aren’t they all?” here.) This is fine. It has a basic idea of a lot and a fun gimmick villain. But it’s basically all fight. That makes a certain amount of sense for a twelve-minute short. The problem is that the show only has so many notes to play (see what I did there?) with its Billy Idol-inspired musical villain, Punk Rocket. The various attacks and counter-attacks don’t have much to them, and Beast Boy’s “make him blow out his speaker/powers by playing really loud” solution isn’t much to write home about.

Hell, the point of the episode seems to be some “See, it’s good that I listen to loud music!” shtick from Beast Boy, which can only induce eyerolls. And that’s before extended gross gags about earwax.

On the whole, this is fine as a lark, and is better animated and realized than I might have expected for a cereal promotion. But fans would have missed nothing if this had remained lost.

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