It's interesting to see Nate become an asshole, since at the beginning he was the innocent character, sadly I know this kinds of things actually happen and people forget where they came from and who help them along the way.

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I guess it's at least a good thing that Nate finally did something truly reprehensible, rather than this meandering being a jerk to the people around him thing that's been going on and off this season.

Funnily enough, Trent Crimm is a double asshole: first for writing the article at all, then for revealing his source. Lol

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Seriously, how did Nate turn into such a rat? Not all characters can have a positive evolution and that’s what makes the show real, but I don’t want to feel shitty :disappointed:. I want happy endings; I want things tied into neat bows, even if they were tangled up along the way. Everything is a mess and that hits too close to home. It might seem silly to wish good things on the characters of a show, but I really hope they turn out alright. I won’t be able to take any less.

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How good is this show? I just teared up at a green army figure in a pint of beer

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Love the interactions with the Doc and Ted. It's been a lovely development for them both.

Mostly tho, fuck Nate. I appreciate how realistic it is too. Even though we know where he's come from and that he was seen as sweet in season one it just goes to show that some people are just self serving little pricks. This season has just shown his true colours.

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nate shelley you're officially in my burn book

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Get rid of Nate already!

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Nate such a snake, never liked that guy but this was kinda expected. About Ted Crimm it's about being a person not a journalist.

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OMG.....I'm not mad just disappointed what a @#'#@@ NATE

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What a F%&% Nate !!

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I’m sorry to say but this is ridiculous !
No player with 24y old would leave an opportunity to play in the premier league to go play some where in Africa :joy::joy::joy:

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Not surprised that he did that. I actually feel sorry for him. This is so not who he is that I’m sure he will regret it in the future.

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Funny after the big online ballyhoo some weeks back about the show's ethos (mostly from non-watchers), the season turns out to have a full-blown villain after all.

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No journalist would ever reveal his source. Plot device to create conflict.

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A fair episode, but this season has been clumsy as anything. The characterisation on Nate has been particularly poor, and the less said about the utterly tedious and vacuous Royley the better. Just kill them both off please, and quickly. Never has an Emmy been so undeserved.

The Sam and Rebecca stuff is pretty dull too, but at least it exposes a lot of hypocrites.

The saving grace has again been Ted, who was excellent again. Nice callback to his Karma Police quote at the start of the season too.

Final episode seems all too predictable. I can't quite believe what a disappointment this season has been after the excellent debut season. Such a mess.

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Ugh I hate this everyone is getting pulled in different directions. Nate’s an absolute prick tho.

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Wow. What a snivelling weasel.

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Bad episode from start to end. Not one good moment.

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This is what you get, when you mess with us

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Shout by Glass

Best episode after quite a time ...

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