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Sweet Home: Season 2

2x04 Episode 4

It is at this episode that the show makes a weird left turn. All of the characters that matter are killed off or otherwise shunted aside and you are learning all new characters that are largely indistinguishable. I'm still watching the rest of the second season from this point on, but it is like watching a different show set in the same universe. If you watch it as though it were a different show in the same universe it is still quite good, if not still pretty hard to follow. I spend most of the show with my "WTF face" on. At this point I feel there is a pretty low chance I will actually bother to watch season 3.

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There is a massive plot hole between this episode and the previous one

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This episode was the best so far but still far from season 1. Finally we see some sort of character development (Inhwan especially) instead of random bullshittery that makes no sense 90% of the episode – even the squadron outside looking for supplies was ok-ish, in the first 3 episodes they would have probably killed and gang-raped the monster bride.. God I'm so angry. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Also the little girl who turns humans into monsters is creepy.

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