Honestly, that fight scene was kinda embarrassing to watch. In season 5 (I guess), they put so much hyper about Michael/Lucifer fight, then we finally have Michael!Dean and Lucifer powerful enough to one hell (ha) of damage, and all they give us is they flying around like puppets. I was really expecting more.

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I can't decide wether this was an awesome episode in a lame kinda way or a lame episode in an awesome kinda other way...

It's a bummer Lucy is gone...but by now we all know no one is really dead until the series comes to an end.

And did they really have to hover while they fought each other? they looked ridiculous and couldn't hold a good Angelic posture ... dissapointing scene there.

I'll rate it an 8 anyways.

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This Episode had so much potential!!! Then went to SHIT!!!

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The last couple of minutes made my heart stop. It was kinda predictable - coz let's be real, how can you trust Michael - and it still managed to get me to go "WHOOOOOOA" at the screen. The fighting scene was cringy as hell, though. I enjoyed Lucifer's character, but I'm glad he's finally gone for good, it was high time it happened.
On a side note, Dean looks good with wings. And that whole outfit at the end was on point.

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omg this episode was so bad i was cringing watching it like seriously what the hell was with dean wearing that ridiculous outfit at the end? and the fighting was so stupid

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Those last few seconds will fuel me for the entire hiatus, because wowwwwwwwwww. Damn, boy. sizzling sound

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This almost felt like a mid-season wheel-spinning episode rather than the culmination of a season. Quite underwhelming and with a surprisingly amateurish looking fight sequence between Lucifer and Michael. The best thing about this episode was hearing that Rowena and Charlie were on a roadtrip somewhere - now there's a spinoff I'd love to see.

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This episode had so much potential it ended up being so predictable and disappointing. Worst finale in a long time.

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Adios mark Pellegrino! Best secondary actor! I'll miss him really. Anyway... The end is really cheap... Things turned interested when Dean welcomed Micheal again but Sam had nothing really interested other than tossing the sword to Dean... I'm kind of disappointed.

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loved this but i couldnt take the flying scene seriously

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This one was written and directed by show veterans, but it nonetheless seemed to be a bit off overall, coming across much more like something I'd expect out of rookies who are new to things. I can't put my finger on it, but so much of it just seemed...weird. The sappy bits were too sappy and went on too long. The character bits were slightly out of character. The acting itself was borderline corny and campy at times, and not intentionally so. The humor just didn't seem to be there. Overall, it just seemed like the actors were all on edge, or out of sorts. Things just didn't flow in the usual, comfortable, we-know-each-other-so-well sort of way. The story was okay and set things up for next season, but the way that it got there just seemed un-SUPERNATURAL-ish all over the place.

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Es de los mejores finales que he visto de Supernatural. No tenía mucha confianza con la trama de Jack en los primeros capítulos que apareció pero en este tramo final se vuelve entrañable su participación. La pelea entre Miguel y Lucifer nos la debían desde hace 8 temporadas y creo que queda a deber un poco en cuanto a los efectos pero aún así es excelente. Supongo que la siguiente ahora si será el final de la serie por los cierres que han tenido otras amenazas sobrenaturales a lo largo de las temporadas: Ángeles, Crowley, Eve, Alfas y ahora el gran Luci. Falta ver cómo acabarán con el infierno y qué hará Miguel. Me pareció extraño que no salieran Dios ni Amara en estos últimos capítulos aunque intuyo un papel muy relevante para ellos en el Final de esta gran aventura con los Winchester.

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I don't remember the episode but there was somebody else who came to the Earth, the monster controller, what happened with him/she?

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Can't decide whether I hated this episode or loved it. Maybe a bit of both. I knew Michael was going to possess Dean, but what a damn good entrance!! Actually took my breath away! The fight scene could have been done better, but I get what they were going for. I can't believe that Lucifer is dead, after all this time. Sam's face when he realized Lucifer was dead was amazing

I really thought Jack was going to kill himself, I'm not gonna lie, that scene had me in tears. His "I love you" destroyed me.

One question though, are Jack's powers gone? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

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Good luck to those who'll push on but this is where I drop off. My headcanon is that they'll sort it out before the midseason finale and afterwards somehow Jack becomes the new god and all's right with the world.

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Lucifer was my favourite character

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