Grown man here, don't have the faintest idea why I watch this but that forced romantic relationship that clearly will be happening with William sucks ass, it's the CW for fuck sake, roll out supercorp and be done with it.

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Dang this episode annoyed me. Riproar was corny!! It was obvious from the moment William told the story who riproar was. His movements were whack. The near disaster and how it was avoided didn’t sit well with me. I’m not digging the fact they basically traded jimmy for his sister. Not feeling the romance with Alex. The last relationship she had felt right. This one feels forced on us. Hope this episode was a one off.

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Lena Luthor, meet Clifford "The Thinker" DeVoe. Clifford, Lena. You two should talk.

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Pro: Kind of a cool evil worldwide-disaster scenario this time, if rather unrealistically accelerated.

Con: Almost everything about the "solution" to averting said disaster (except for the frost-breath cap at the end) was utterly ridiculous.

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This show has become all about Lena bitching that shes hurt and was lied to so that justifies all the backstabbing. The definition of a hypocrite

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Shout by Dahj Asha

WTF, lots of comments here about a forced relationship between Kara and William and that they'll likely enter a romantic relationship / eventually have sex. I didn't see any signs for that and was very confused after reading the comments so I'll just predict that they won't fall in love. I hope that I'm right because I too wouldn't like a (forced) romantic relationship between the two but due to the quantity of those comments I fear that I might be missing something... :o Let's see...

Apart from that, the Obsidian North advertisement at the beginning was somewhat cool and I did enjoy the scene at the end where Lena mind controls Malefic a little bit (but I still dislike the writers' choice for continuing Lena's story). Unfortunately the "action" scenes felt pretty ridiculous in this episode (well, more than usual anyway).

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What does lesbians have to do with Supergirl. I don’t think they had that in the original vision of supergirl.

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Am I the only one that thinks that eventually Kara and William will end up having sex or something? There’s so much sexual tension between the two of them.

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