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Supergirl: Season 5

5x15 Reality Bytes

We’re haters if we don’t act like this is the best episode, probably. But Supergirls preachy episodes aren’t when it is the most watchable. I am sure more are coming though. Since Melissa Benoist is pregnant.
They’ll probably bring James back too and have another lesson about racism. People watch shows to escape from reality. Not be reminded of it constantly.
Next Supergirl will battle the Coronavirus.

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It's not a good sign that the final scene had no impact coz I can't even remember how we left off with the Jeremiah stuff. I thought he was already dead.

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The two storylines (Alex in Virtual and Nia chasing down the trans-crime guy) didn't really compliment one another. I preferred the Nia scenes despite how overtly in your face "woke" it was.

No Lex or Lena in this one :cry:

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I knew as soon as the wide-eyed white guy showed up that he would be the villain. Where's the preachy episode on that?

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Are they starting to hide Melissa behind things already? I'm curious how they will work around the issue that she can't do Supergirl-ish stuff in the upcoming episodes.

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Shout by Mike

best statement in the episode so far: "the world doesn't want trans-superheroes"

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8.5/10 - Nice, that was a great episode, at last :)

I cannot get enough of these VR stories. It's not something new but every take on it seems unique and provides some new interesting insights/thoughts (e.g. in this case abuse of the VR world by it's users, laws, and some new ethical questions). So Obsidian North's VR technologie has really payed off (I was hoping it would build up to something like this - hopefully there's even a bit more of it coming).

I also completely forgot that Nia is apparently transexual so that was a nice refresher.

(Oh and as a Harry Potter fan I liked the Ollivander reference xD)

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Shout by Rose

There is no Dreamer or Supergirl for the trans community in real life, and the LGBTQ+ community itself has unfortunately been too passive when responding to its threats. Preaching kindness is not the way. There needs to be a fight against transphobia on every possible front, Manchester-style.

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I like how they're handling the Transphobia. Dispatches from Elsewhere did a fantastic job of that. Supergirl feels a bit more ham fisted than that - but it's important they're handling it.

From a purely entertainment point of view - since Crisis I'm finding it very hard to make my way through the Arrowverse. I've not even seen any of the Batwomen eps and just finished Flash.

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