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Supergirl: Season 3

3x19 The Fanatical

I really liked that scene with Guardian and the police - it was actually believable and way less awkward/unsubtle than "you have chosen to live as a black man" and "hashtag feminism." I also liked the scene with M'yrnn at the arcade and the way it triggered his PTSD. And Mon-El undercover was 100x better than angsty Mon-El. I hope they just get rid of Imra, she was nice and all but ultimately just a vehicle to create more relationship drama. Plus it was cute when Kara blew on Olivia's burned hand, even though that would have probably just given her frostbite.

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i know one of the biggest complaints from the basement dweller population of comic fans is when there's too much realism in their fantasy (which is insane since comics are literally a critique of their eras' current affairs i mean have you read all the comics about nazis? marvel still can't stop writing about nazis.) so let me just rub it in and say this episode is by far one of the best across the cw dc adaptations BECAUSE of the realism. i watch these shows for the easy entertainment value (they're cw shows i know what i'm here for) but mehcad brooks made me tear up a little and i'm not whining about it like they're betraying my guilty pleasure tv expectations. i'm glad this show takes all the nasty crap no one wants to hear about going on in our society and shines a light on it. they do it responsibly and gracefully which is more than i can say for shows on bigger networks with better budgets.

also, tanya is a breakout star and i would watch an entire series dedicated to her commentary on superheroes

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Watching Lena stand up to Supergirl was awesome. Mon El kicking ass was awesome too. Alex and Ruby scenes never fail to make me emotional. And Tanya is super lovely. Hope to see her again. Great episode!

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nice to see a "traveller" on Supergirl! Another amazing episode. Loved the racial issues bit too. More please.

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Again, we get a loadful of topics by the writers and producers crammed into the storyline. From gender issues to racial issues, ageism, and political jabs ("promises of making National City great again" - an actual line from an earlier show). While I would have really enjoyed this show. The characters and acting are top notch. If not for the writers (and those that allow these opinions to stay in the script) it would have been great. As it is it is a constant reminder that everything needs to be made into a soapbox by hollywood. Shot in Canada btw. So much for patriotism. Why don't they all just stay there.

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M'yrnn is a great addition to the show. I like him a lot. And the interactions between Lena and Supergirl are awesome so far. I‘m on Lena‘s side.

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Accessory stories to fill the great plot of the season

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