I've always thought Lena knew, or at least was working out that Supergirl was Kara, it feels like they made Lena stupider this episode for a cheap laugh with Hank.

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Lena and James are so cringeworthy together. Please writers, stop.

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Am I the only one that don't understand why they don't just ask Super man for help!? WTF!? So Kara is out and they all like "oh oh what should we do!? who would save us??" Couldn't they just let super man know about this!? I'm sure he would wanna know that his sister is in danger...
this episode is sooooo frustrating...

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Where is Kal-El? Why Rein don't attack Supres?

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This show needs to stop with the James and Lena crap, it is really bad and I don't want to see Lena Luthors character get spoiled in this way as Katie is so good at playing strong and independent woman, (Morganna from Merlin and now Lena Luthor).

Having said that this episode has a lot forming for it but I feel that this time around Reign was defeated too easily. Bearing in mind she full fledged knocked Supergirl out previously I thought that it would have took a lot more to take her out than it did.

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I fail to understand Reign's mission. Sinners? This is religious? And killing the police that show up to a crime along with the criminals?? Like, W T F ? ? ? ?

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Union make force. The cage of your mind

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Almost to the check out point for this show.

I expect to put up with some girl drama in a show with a female lead but it's turning into a bad chick flick.

PLUS if you aren't as annoyed as I am that all these women are "best friends" but none of them recognize one another just because they put on glasses or a partial face mask and change their hair slightly there is something wrong with you.

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I must be going through something because Kara stuck in her subconscious made me more emotional than it should have. It took me a really long time to like her character but I'm enjoying her this season more than ever. Danvers sisters bonding time will always be my favorite part of any episode. Also, Brainiac is adorable. I like him already.

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Bon Jovi!!!! Livin’ On A Prayer!

thumbs up :))

Sometimes, just a little tiny key can open a door, instead of using devastating power. this episode was about this subject.

I know I’m not the one who thinks Mon-el and Kara should be together. She is really having a very hard while in her life, seeing her boyfriend with another girl. We’ll see what’s going to happen.

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Shout by Deleted

finally a Hot girl on supergirl.

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