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Supergirl: Season 2

2x14 Homecoming

Am i the only one here standing for Mon-El? I mean i felt so bad for him at he dinner scene even tho it was obvious Jeremiah wasn't "good" per se. I really like him and even tho he is stupid sometimes it breaks the seriousness of this show and it really doesnt feel out of place, unlike the balls guy from Arrow.

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“If your dad walked through this door what would you do”
“Probably run coz he was a bad guy”
“Well this isn’t about you!”

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I'm so tired of Monhell

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When Jeremiah Danvers is rescued from Cadmus, OHMYGODYAY Alex and Kara are thrilled to have their father back. Aww, good for them I'm so happy for them! The Danvers arrange a family dinner to celebrate Aww, that's gonna be so cool to watch but things go awry when Is it Mon-El again? a suspicious Mon-El starts to question Jeremiah about his sudden return. Ffs Mon-El, can't you please be any good for this show?

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Shout by ramadri

I'm half way the episode and I can't take it anymore. This is the most ridiculous episode ever in the history of tv shows.
1. You are a bad guy transporting "precious cargo", you know about supergirl but you give weapons to bad guys... With bullets really
2. You save a father you know he worked for 14 years for the greatest enemy of earth.. And you don't question anything
3. You reinstate all access into one of the most secure (supposedly) base in the world no question asked
Should i go on... I cant... Its retarded.
Than you get Mon'El questioning things and everybody acts like they are retarded. I mean... Its so obvious... You dont even need to be too smart to figure it out. Ar this point I'm sorry but Mon'el shouldn't be with Kara.. She's way too stupid for him. I don't know if i have the power in me to watch the other half... Is just insulting . They really think retards are watching this show

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Of course make Mon-El do a lot of shitty things so his haters can rejoice and go about how horrible he is.
Jeremiah obviously has his family threatened so he really has no choice. Poor Danvers.

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I'm loving all of these character driven episodes that we are getting recently. This episode was no differently as we got to see Jeremiah return to his family but not everything was as it seemed. Turns out he's working for Kadmas and throughout the 40mins we get to see how this affects Alex and Kara. Absolutely fantastic this was, can't wait for the next one.

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Shout by Jazz

Moment between Eliza and Jeremiah is SO real and genuine, and Alex, Kara, and Winn ship moments are super cute :)

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WOW so CUTE AND CHARMING that Mon-El IMMEDIATELY disrespected her wishes to keep their relationship quiet!!! Especially after promising he would!!! So quirky!!!

My rage towards Mon-El is unparalleled. I do, however, like the idea of parties being thrown when couples get together. That's cute.

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I'm not sure I can take any more of the characters being complete morons, much longer... neglecting security protocols, believing stupid fantasy-like events without questioning them, arguing like fricken... idiots. I need some House. God dayum.

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As they say, if it's too good to be true, it's not usually true

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Dear CW, Please push Mon-El into a running wood chipper. Thanks.

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