Shout by Jon Stark

What a crap episode, Kara gets cranky out of the blue, we've got a new addition to the bitch team in the form of that new assistant, I swear, I'm usually able to over look the asspulls and the cliches of superhero TV series simply because of my love of comic book heroes, but man, this just keeps getting worse, Lucy is the crappiest girlfriend ever, she doesn't even trust her own boyfriend and thinks he's hooked up with Supergirl, this coming from the character who was initially dating James because of his loving and caring personality, Lucy's character doesn't even serve a purpose anymore, she comes, throws a tantrum and leaves wtf, one of the worst TV shows ever.

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Why does jimmy think that telling Lucy the truth will do him any good? She was pissed that he was so close with supergirl, finding out Kara, one of if not his best friend, is supergirl, very dumb idea jimmy. Never liked jimmy anyway. Kats new assistant is annoying and I can tell they are gonna drag that out for a while and it’ll end up pissing me off more. Same thing with Kara being pissed at hank for killing his aunt, disliking this show so far. Jimmy and Lucy will most likely break up and he’ll date Kara, then they’ll break up, probably not after long. Very predictable, like this episode, as soon as we saw the detectives it was kinda obvious the nice one did it, the mean one would be too obvious and they’ve never consulted with detectives before so there was obviously a reason like he’s the killer.

Also red light makes her loose her powers? Does that mean on krypton If someone has a yellow light then suddenly they’re flying around the planet like a superhero, if that was possible ok surprised that everyone wasn’t doing that.

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Forgettable is how I think of this episode, I mean it was ok, but certainly not good Premise was great, Lucy was awful. Overall just mediocre

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I got a kick out of Kara's reaction to seeing Siobhan Smythe's name; I thought, "I know how to pronounce that!" The whole episode was a blast, and I'm glad this wasn't a cliffhanger ending like some of the other recent ones. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

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Do something bad for good reason, it is still something wrong

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Shout by dgw

They held a certain headbutt shot waaaaaay too long—long enough to see Kara's head reverse direction. Someone needs to relearn editing.

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This show just keeps getting better. Lots of hints on how hero crossovers will be happening soon hehe

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