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Supergirl 2015

....Well... This is awful... Really, really bad.... I saw only the pilot, so fingers crossed they remove all the cliché bullshit, not to mention the completely derogatory sexism masquerading as 'girl power' and these characters are less than two dimensional.
And please, stop referencing superman as 'him' or 'he'... From the sounds of 'him', 'he's' an asshole

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Despite the negative reviews, this show is really good and has potential.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-01-02T20:56:54Z— updated 2016-11-24T11:34:55Z

The show has much room to improve but despite all its flaws I quite like it. The characters and the relationships between them are interesting and so are the themes the show touches. I think people should give it a chance.

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This show is divisive. Nevertheless, "bad" isn't a word to be used here. The pilot is solid. Lots of feminist overtones, doesn't necessarily bother me, I just hope they do more do and less talk than they did in the first episode. I think they added this to get females watching the show, as the show goes a long I think a lot of those same people will stay for the good story and action. We had some great action scenes, the relationship between Kara and her sister is good, and they set up a lot of plot points to be expanded upon in later episodes. The effects were a little wonky but still leagues better (I said league... chuckle) than what CW is doing. I only expect this to get better. I could be giving this show too much credit but I am never against fresh new takes in characters as long as the end result is good. The pilot has a lot of good and bad but every pilot does. We will see, but until then I give this show so far a 2 thumbs up.

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This show puts its primary focus on social matters and relationships (typical CW), rather than giving some spotlight on action and super powers, and when it actually does, the combination of awful SFX with short battles concluded after a speech and not actual fighting, makes it laughable. At first I found it too difficult to keep up with it and felt obligated to do so because of the Arrowverse. I did reach a stage were I'd watch it with pleasure (even though very occasionally), but the truth is that this show could offer us a lot by being more similar to DC Originals like Titans or the first two seasons of Arrow. Honestly, I wouldn't feel bad at all learning that it's finally cancelled or ended, but would actually be relieved. It disgraces the DC title.

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Fun show that sometimes goes a bit too far away from the characters in order to tell a message especially in later seasons

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This show is GARBAGE.. 1.5/5 is my rating

Plot and Writing is Trash
Acting is Cheesy and Boring.. Speaking of Boring the Pacing is HORRIBLE!!! What a waste

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I gave it 6 points at first, So I fixed my mistake and rated it the right way.

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Pls cancel the show, spare us anymore melodrama, and bad acting

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As much as I love superhero shows/movies, and really wanted to like this; it's unwatchable.

It's yet another Liberal indoctrination, PC propaganda piece, aimed squarely at young, white, easily manipulated, impressionable, teen females.

0/10 rating.

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Slow, really corny (worse than the original Superman movies), and with Supergirl's personal life and abilities coincidentally being exactly the same as Superman's, who shows up to save her as needed.
Also, the whole premise is absurd that those you are closest to seeing you up-close with glasses and then without glasses as Supergirl literally 60 seconds later, with no change in voice, and not realizing who you are, despite having already facing the question of whether you are that superhero...?! It seems even more absurd than it was with Superman.
Also, Supergirl really doesn't seem all that super when you consider that in this show just about every alien from any planet/galaxy to ever come to earth has the same (or greater) strength and seeming invincibility, and that half of them are in her city, even hanging out at the same bar, just waiting to beat her up until someone without powers comes and saves her.

Also, instead of standing alone against the enemies of earth, she leans on the DEO - a poor man's, SHIELD, where she seems to be employed, but without enough of a salary to allow her to stop working as coffee-getting personal assistant?

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As of the release of season 6 and the completion of the show: I used to love this show so much but in its latter three seasons it really let itself go. There were still some episodes that offered good moments and great character development but mostly all characters felt two dimensional and the plot didn't have much depth.

I was vey dissapointed by the finale episode in season 6 as, although it was nice to see some familiar faces return, it felt like idle fan service. I'm glad that I took the time to watch Supergirl in its entirety but I'm also glad its over

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Why isn’t this show up2date in the app? I love the show, its fun, sometimes a bit cheesy but still very enjoyable.

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I've been watching this as a semi "I have had a shitty day and don't feel like watching anything that makes me think" show and it works. It's light and cute and not as tragically bad as people make it out to be. Not every show has to alter your life. Cat Grant (Calista Flockheart) was the best thing about the show so when she leaves (The traitor producers jumped ship, left the US and shot in Toronto for the tax incentives to like their pockets with profits. She did not want to go to Canada so she was written out of the show.) I lost my interest in it a bit. For me she was the highlight and replacing her with the stereotypical gruff newshound just shows lack of imagination.

Yes, there are lots of cliches and political digs in the show (also not done well), the writing is weak, the characters bland, the romantic link between Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl stupid but there is a charm underneath it all and it's better than some of the others (ermmm.... Iron Fist... cough cough).

written by the last green martian (no, really, I am)

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This show has steadily been going downhill. Last season was bad but I hung in there. They got so pc and just political in general. I stopped watching the first episode of this season (3) about 10 minutes in. They just shove things down your throat with this show.

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On a news release they have added a transgender character. Now Supergirl is super PC.

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I won’t be watching this liberal drivel anymore. They’re adding a trans superhero? No thanks.

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This was my favourite show for some time, but, now that I've watched more shows, it's not the best. I will continue it in the near future. If you're bored, this is a good show.

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Great show.I recommend to all lovers of Superheroes!!!

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Love this show love superheroes girl power enough said A+++++

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I love Supergirl as I love Arrow and The Flash!!!
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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The trailer massively undersold this show. It's not a crappy rom com. It's a female led story with some great prospects. I'm excited for it to begin.

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Shout by Deleted

well, this is awkward... a show like this being renewed while GREAT shows are canceled.
#FuckLogic .

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Shout by kRAyZZed

I could be completely wrong here, but isn't the language of Krypton, Kryptonian? Kryptonese just sounds so wrong lol - and yes I know it is odd that, that is what I am most hung up on after watching the entire episode.

Aside from that nagging in the back of my mind, I rather enjoyed it, looking forward to where they take it from here - nice to see Dean Cain and Helen slater as the Danvers :)

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Shout by Deleted

To bad they ruined the whole superman universe in this one crappy tv-show.
Worst acting. To much cliche. To much copied from original. Not even funny.
Wierd acting going on. Dull dialoges. Lame SFX effects. Anything else? And yeah the whole i'm just a girl bullshit LOL

Won't last for long.

Also does one of the writers have a glasses fetish?
Jeesus never seen a show with that many people touching their glasses

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Hoped it would improve with more episodes. It did not. Actually it got worse...

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About halfway through the first season, after every episode, I was on the verge of quitting. I then watched the next one hoping it will get better. It didn´t. I agree with a lot of people, its chessy, repetitive, full of clichés, the characters lack depth, the romance sucks and the storys in general are not very tempting. And bringing Superman in now as a real character and not only "him" was the last nail I needed. They´ve cancelled shows with better ratings don´t know why they saved this for another season. I´m out.

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After watching the first 5 episodes:
I actually quite like it.This isn't typically the type of show I'd go for but so far it's pretty fun and the acting is surprisingly good.

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Shout by Deleted

Main character has the same abilities as superman but is shocked when she can occasionally be effective despite being female. Regressive and very unfunny. I barely got through the couple eps I did watch.

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Shout by Deleted

No. Just... no. But thank you for the effort.

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Shout by Deleted

dropped it finally. more time for great non PC shows.

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A great show, now slowly turning into a homo-sexual freak show. Abandoned...

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This show is a bit more of the same. I'm a Superman fan.
This is entertaining, allways care about superhero movies and tv shows but this is far from a good TVShow. Was expecting a lot more!

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I started watching the show primarily because of the crossover's with Flash and Arrow. It started slow, got mildly better, and back to I just watch it when I have nothing else to watch. I can't keep watching this show though. Idc if it does play a part in the Arrowverse. Season 3 has been incredibly political and the writer's are clearly trying to sway people's opinions on current hot topics in America. I couldn't even finish episode 21 because of the "evil evil guns and every gun owner is bad and nobody should have guns". I'm honestly surprised David Hogg didn't costar this episode. Newsflash, we watch superhero shows and other fantasy to escape reality, hence the word FANTASY.

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melodramatic show. should be called super snowflake instead. always worrying about petty tiny things making a huge drama about the most small issues. sucks.

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Shout by Deleted

Love it, it the best

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Shout by Deleted

So I watched the entire first season and 3 episodes in the second. And this show is bad.
This show is super sexist. I'm all for a female lead show with some great female characters but the show is trying too hard to push feminism. Almost 80% of the characters are Female. Villains are female, significant support characters are female, president is female .
If you guys had watched up to S02E03 you will agree with me on this.
I'm all for powerful female characters but this is single minded low quality character writing.

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Do you really want to watch the show but you don't know if it's worth it or not? Watch until episode 4, and then decide. It starts getting a lot better starting from the appearance of Livewire (no spoiler, it's the episode's title).

The cheesiness does remain throughout the entire thing and the forced romance unfortunately doesn't disappear but it becomes a lot more bearable.

It's not the best show out there. Keep in mind that it's targeted for a younger audience, but it's bearable if you can push some things aside.

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Shout by Deleted

So bad, this is nothing like Arrow, Flash, or Gotham. This stuff is ridiculous and a disgrace to television. It makes me think of the '60s Batman tv show how bad this is.

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What is it with shows based on DC? I mean they never manage to make it work for more than two seasons. First one usually is pretty good, second is OK and then all goes downhill.. I really tried to watch, but the only show I managed to finish, was Flash, but also barely (finished just because I knew it's already ending). Every episode is absolutely the same (3rd season and forward) - 10 minutes something related to the comics (action, dialogs, etc.) and then 30-35 minutes of BS dialogs about friendship, courage, racism, discrimination, LGBTQ and all other social issues, as if it's not enough propaganda on the web already... And I mean this same stuff across every DC show - Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Arrow, Titans... I bet same is gonna happen to Superman & Lois (even 1st season had a lot of pointless dialogs), but will try to check S02 anyway

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They should rename this show to Supercrap or SuperSJW.

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Anyone looking to start this recommendation, just don't do it. It starts out great and then quickly takes a nose dive & it keeps getting worst as seasons progress.

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This show used to be good...granted a bit cheesy & mindless entertainment but “holy smokes Batman!!!” the feminists have ruined this season. The nonsense they wrote into each episode of season 4 is but too much & over the top. I hope CW swaps out writers in 2019.

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Really love this show! It started out a little slow, with the acting also being a little weak, but it has really improved since then! Great choice in Melissa for Supergirl! Pleasure to see the original Supergirl (Helen Slater) again too.

Here's hoping it has a long run like Smallville!

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Shout by Deleted

there is too much gay S**t for my taste. what are they trying to prove? what kind of audience are they seeking? anyways,I'm not watching it anymore.

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Shout by Yuck Qi

The first season was okay at best. Since then it has really become unwatchable. The addition of Guardian, with his laughable raspy superhero voice just put me over the edge. Amazingly this was renewed, but I won't be watching.

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Predictable. Uninteresting. Ordinary. Cheesy. This show has absolutely nothing that hasn't been done before (except for Cat Grant, she could hold this show on her shoulders if they wanted to). Does it succeed in doing what they intend to do? Yes. But as I said before, what they intend to do is a predictable, uninteresting, ordinary and cheesy teenage show. Conclusion: don't even bother watching. Frankly, you're not missing anything at all

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Much better than expected as good as Arrow, and The Flash well done suitable for all ages

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The pilot of this show leaked online before its release. Just so you know. ;)

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The female empowerment is strong! I'm all for equality but I don't think it contributed to the story or the character. She's Supergirl -- anyone that thinks she's anything less than a man makes no sense. It would make sense if this was a show about a regular female human... Nonetheless, it's good that there are messages about female empowerment at all.

Not as good as the Flash pilot in terms of story and SFX. Hoping that the pilot being leaked will lead to improvements on the episodes that are in production. Would be cool if it crossed over with Arrow and The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow!! But would be weird because none of the other shows ever mentioned Superman.

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fuck CW the plot of this is off the rails by the end but we get to watch Katie McGrath and Melissa Benoist act and we get supercorp out of that obsessed with them!!!!!!!

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This "TV Show" was kind of very good till the season when a disgusting "actress?" was introduced messed up the whole series.

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Once again, the wrongly named feminism, destroys a series. It's a pity. Until the fourth season it was watchable, after that it's hard not to hate every feminist comment that is out of place. Focus on creating quality content, because the series promised and think why the audience has declined so much.

Traducido con DeepL (

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More unwatchable crap from DC. Watch only if you like to feel sorry for all the actors involved in this awful awful tv series.

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One of the worst shows I've ever seen. Awful cgi, cringy dialogue, cliched characters, laughable storylines - and it somehow got SIX seasons while innumerable shows which were ten times better got cancelled for no good reason:rage::rage::rage:.

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This went from being one of the best Shows on Television to something barely and then not at all watchable.

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Stupidest show. Ruined the DC TV universe. If you haven't started this or are tempted, don't do it. Ridiculously stupid storylines and such dumb characters.

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Thank you for a great 6-season series! We all want it to continue but live-action shows has to end some time. I hope the CW-DC will continue the story in another medium, like say comics (again based on CW-Supergirl) or serial novel (or ebook). I for one will buy those, especially now that Kara revealed her identity.

Regardless, thank you. This was the #1 CW-DC series for me, even though I'm a big fan of The Flash and Green Lantern.

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Well everybody we're about to lose another great show like black lightning and Arrow. I hope they will come out with another great superhero show soon on the CW.

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It went so good, until season 6.

They lost their mojo, this will be the last season, watch.

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Katie McGrath acting as Lena is exactly same as her playing Morgana on Merlin.

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And again, another show where we have to wait until sometime NEXT YEAR to see what happens next. Hopefully everyone is doing ok. There's still other shows to come like Stargirl, which starts today.

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And again, another show where we have to wait until sometime NEXT YEAR to see what happens next. Hopefully everyone is doing ok. There's still other shows to come like Stargirl, which starts today.

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Shout by Emily
BlockedParent2019-11-26T18:51:36Z— updated 2023-05-13T20:13:32Z

Cat Grant was the best part of this show. When she checked out, so did I.

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how to play any body know?????

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Shout by Deleted

After the first terrible season the show got quite entertaining. never thought I would say that.

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Please update... there have been many new episodes

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Shout by Deleted

Please update this. Several more episodes have aired that aren’t listed here.

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How come it stops here at S03E13?? Episode 14 is already aired!!!

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Shout by Deleted

I hope it wont get more seasons though.

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melodramatic show. should be called super snowflake instead. always worrying about petty tiny things making a huge drama about the most small issues. sucks.

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melodramatic show. should be called super snowflake instead. always worrying about petty tiny things making a huge drama about the most small issues. sucks

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I feel like the real star of the show is the skin-smoothing filter on Calista Flockhart's face at all times. I wonder, was cosmetic CGI part of her contract? Did she accept less money to be made 10 years younger in every single shot?

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Shout by Deleted

The movie sucks so much

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Shout by Deleted

I likd it wen d pwitty gur star flaayin up in d aer #ShiftvW8

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Shout by Deleted

Best superhero show on tv currently, so much better than Flash which is so 1 dimensional and becoming more draggy. Supergirl on the other hand, good scripts, good acting and real emotional relationship stories, everything is so real and flesh-out. Love the Cat and Kara interaction and seeing Kara come of age. Hope they can keep up the high standards going forward.

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Why do they always use their powers only to show that they have them and never use it to have an advantage? Why do they never use weapons? Why are they always whining about not killing someone, who's, for example, commited genocide to a whole planet???? No, really, Hitler looks as a much better person than some of the characters of the show and they talk about mercy for them??? REALLY?! WHY THEY NEVER COMBINE THEIR POWERS??? Is it a card game or something???

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Episode 4 and 5 need to be swapped around. Episode 5 has aired today as the storyline in episode 4 has terrorist/bombing themes in it. Episode 4 will air next week. Seems a little silly to watch them in reverse, though, they could have just pushed the release of episode 4 to next week and played a previous episode tonight.

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Süpergirl sezo n 1 episode 3

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I don't like this series. I don't think it was meant for viewers who are very familiar with other Supergirl stories - comics', Smallville's even.

Way too many things happening so quickly.
Don't care about her sister.
Well, I think they've done a better job with how green kryptonite affects them than Smallville did.
Hank got a bit interesting by the end of the 2nd episode though.

It has a serious tone now and then, but....
grunts Too cheesy for my taste.

PS. To say that the actress that plays Supergirl is cute would be an understatement.

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I'm enjoying watching, but I feel like the show is moving at breakneck speed. We've got the whole fleeing-Krypton backstory, the big dramatic world debut, secret identity reveal to two co-workers and an entire government agency, rogue aliens, another Kryptonian, multiple big alien fights, all in the first two hours. Feels like they're trying to cram an entire season into a few episodes. The pace of other comic-based shows like Flash, Arrow, and Agents of SHIELD feel much slower by comparison. I'm afraid Supergirl is going to get to a point where it'll feel boring simply because it slows down to a more normal pace.

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Shout by Deleted

Episodio Pilot..
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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seriously in need of more cowbell

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It could be better, much better.
The structure of the episode is just like The Flash's pilot!

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