In a show where words come 100 miles a minute, when noise is the norm, silence deafens. What is not said haunts the space between giants, desperately grabbing for loose roots hanging from a cliff.

Never has the word “what” held this much power. And the fractured relationship tells you what they’ve lost.

Succession has never been mediocre. But this season we are seeing such a tour de force it borders on overwhelming.

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Kind of listless until the hiking starts, then it gets on with some prime Logan/Kendall awkwardness. Nice styling of father and son as mirror image of each other too.

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This was the one where I felt that eventhough I like the slowly manuevering powershifts and the pro-HBO chessmoves, this wasn't enough for me. There was nothing in here that didn't already happened. People hating on Shiv-in-command and not taking her seriously? Check. Greg squeezed like a lemon only to probably slip away unnoticeably again? Check. Roman and Gerri verbally jerking off? Check. Ken and Logan proving that they are both unfit 1) to parenting 2) to lead, except this time it's not the government that turns out to be above both of them, but the shareholders? Check and check. Again: this was not bad, just instead of moving the characters, it merely reassured them in their positions, but to the extent where I couldn't tell anymore if this is still the warm up (in Shiv's words: "warning shots", in Roman's words: "just the tip") and we are getting only that, or these four episodes were already the action, but if this is the action then it's more lackluster than I thought it would be, and I can't even tell how there's going be a climax at the end. Adrien Brody effortlessly won this week.

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Adrien Brody stole the show. He is always good ofc. But I like Josh.

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That was one of the weakest Succession episodes yet. Still good, but not great.

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Greg’s nervous, uncomprehending look whenever someone makes a cultural reference never seems to get old. “Cock-a-doodle-doo!”

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I feel Shiv getting closer by each episode to getting pushed away, similarities with Kendall arising faster. Maybe by the end of the season we'll get a sibling alliance? Will he forgive her for trashing him personally if it's in the interest of ending with their father's reign?

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Why is greg so important?

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Shout by David Wilder

Did Logan really have health issues or was he faking to get Kendals sympathy and set him up for a potential future failure?

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I found the hike more compelling than the previous 45 minutes. Uneventful episode.

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