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Succession: Season 2

2x04 Safe Room

Best episode of the series so far. There was so much going on and some things even very subtle like Kendal starting the episode on an open roof and ending with a secured roof. Lots serious and funny stuff. I enjoyed all perspectives and I think Tom's stuff was just too funny. Great episode.

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I would just ask that you take care of me. Because, uh, if dad didn't need me right now, I don't exactly know what I would be for.

The desperation in his delivery was so heartbreaking. First scene of the entire series that made me well up with tears. :cry:

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I'm constantly caught between laughing and crying.

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Connor's speech was amazing LOL

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Top-notch episode between the storylines firing on all cylinders and the ending emotional kicker.

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That ending! The opening scene felt like watching Kendall‘s dream where he walks up the ramp to simply fall off the edge, and that theme subtly played out throughout this episode with him climbing up for a better view, and then at the end when the suicide glass is up before he can contemplate it again. Loved how that came around. So many scenes had me cringing but loving it inwardly.. Connor’s brilliant speech and whatever’s going on between Roman and Gerri. I have to admit Tom is turning out to be my favourite character. He’s vulnerable even though he comes across as a crass douche at most times.

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Oh Kendall, look how they massacred my boy.

He's absolutely ruined, I mean it makes for a good show but the character has completely lost the strength he had in season 1. I feel so bad every time he's trying his best to stay on his dad's good side to avoid being tossed aside. The conversation between him and Shiv was great. She's trying to probe him about the CEO contention and he's just trying to stay alive. For the first time in the show, we see some genuine reaction from the Roy's. Kendall and Greg are my favorite so far, Connor is just funny to see sometimes.

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Kendall is a broken man

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I don't know if I was supposed to laugh but I laughed at the scene with Tom throwing water bottles at Greg. Hahahahahah And the scene with Connor reading an eulogy that his wife had written was really good too. This episode was really funny.

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This has been my favorite episode so far, and Tom and Greg are the perfect comedic pairing
And my heart kinda breaks for Kendall, we can tell he was contemplating suicide, but also he killed someone and walked away so… but the hug between him and Shiv was so heartbreaking
And then Gerri and Roman… that was disturbing

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that shiv and kendall scene broke me

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«I’m in the shadow of a giant here, aka you. And do I want to maybe catch some sunlight if I’m going to grow? Like, would it be OK for me to maybe take a chance and go to another department? I’m wondering would it maybe be interesting for both of us if I go work with somebody else for a little bit. […] It’s just… Dude - ATN, human forniture like, verbal assaults, physical humiliations, Nazi stuff, shooters. I just don’t love it. I just don’t really love it and I want to go explore».

«Sono nell’ombra di un gigante qui. Ovvero di te. E così forse dovrei prendere un po’ di luce del sole per crescere. Cioè…forse sarebbe un bene per me correre il rischio e andare in un altro dipartimento? […] Mi stavo chiedendo se non potesse essere interessante per tutti e due se io andassi a lavorare per qualcun altro per un po’. […] È solo che… senti - le ATN, le persone come sgabelli, aggressioni verbali e fisiche, umiliazioni, i nazisti anche, sparatorie. Sono cose che non mi piacciono. Davvero, non mi piace e voglio esplorare».

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«Me? I’m an enigma, you can’t pigeon-hole me. I’m there, then I’m gone. I’m intellectually promiscuous but culturally conservative. I work hard but I do not play hard, I play easy. Why would you play hard?».
«Io? Sono un enigma, non puoi incasellarmi. Sono qua, poi sparisco. Sono intellettualmente promiscuo, ma culturalmente conservatore. Lavoro duro, ma non gioco duro. Gioco sul velluto».

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that last part is heartbreaking

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hysterical, funniest episode so far, season 2 is :fire:

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