I shipped them so much. Love the actor. Pretty much at this point I love all the characters and I don't want for anyone to go

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I'm sorry, I just can't get on board with the whole "he died because he endangered himself running after her because she got mad at him for not showing up even though he didn't show because he collapsed" conceit. It cheapens and diminishes an episode that's otherwise beautifully executed in every way. I really wish the writers could have devised a way to get to the same place without making Hughes basically culpable in the death of her boyfriend.

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Shout by Shay

Life is unfair.

And this episode seemed to scream that from the rooftops.

Life is not fair and just as Vic and Ripley were about to take that leap and spend the rest of their lives together it all crumbled apart underneath them. And honestly I don't know if I can ever forgive the writers for doing this to Vic. She wanted a life with him and I wanted to watch them be ooey gooey sweet to each other. This episode just tears at the heart.

I'm sad and devastated and maybe probably might have cried a little a lot.

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Oh, wow. That was kinda heartbreaking.

At first, I wasn't sure whether he was gonna die. I mean, he wasn't a very important character show-wise, but he played an important part in Vic's character development. I feel so sad for her.

The actress did a wonderful job this episode. But man, those extreme facial close-ups near the end of the episode? I hated those. I didn't need a macro shot of Vic's face for her heartbreak to come through.

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That was almost as traumatic as the Denny’s death (poor Izzie). I was not prepared for that. And I am not okay.

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Alright, I was highly confused with the hole in this episode until I JUST read that it is the second half of a crossover with a show I don't watch. sigh

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