The lower quality animation actually kind of helps the creep factor of these zombies.

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Shout by Andrew Bloom

[6.8/10] I like so many things they’re trying to do here. I enjoy a good mind control story. I enjoy a good Night of the Living Dead homage. I even enjoy a good student council election storyline. But trying to stitch them all together like this doesn’t really work, leaving the episode feeling ungainly and lumpy.

Madelyn does a nice “Tracy Flick meets Carrie” routine as a character, and there’s some interesting hay to be made from her using her mind control/mind-reading powers to figure out Virgil’s secret identity, but the episode doesn’t really go anywhere with it. Similarly, they don’t really come up with a good solution for how Static defeats her, there’s just an attempt at a Vulcan mind meld gone wrong and boom, that’s it. Kind of anticlimactic.

That said, the zombie-like imagery is always a winner for me, and I appreciate the humor of Ritchie running on the “fix the snack machines” platform. This one’s pretty shaggy despite its good ideas, but on the whole, it’s perfectly fine, even if it doesn’t hit the heights it arguably should given the interesting ideas at play.

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