The first episode was a celebration of the inspirational roots of Star Wars, but this one feels like a love letter to how fun Star Wars can be. Seeing tropes like the Wilhelm Scream and "I've got a bad feeling about this" brings a smile to my face just as much as (I'm sure) it did to the faces of those who worked on this episode. You can feel the passion for Star Wars in every scene. Plus, the music rocks!

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Meh, bit of a buzzkill after such a strong first episode

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After the brilliance and surprise of the first episode, The Duel (a 9 out of 10), this was the other end of the spectrum. None of this felt like Star Wars, other than peppering in a few legacy characters. Garbage.

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I'm clearly in the minority based on what I've seen online, but I liked this even more than the first episode. I totally get why it wasn't for everyone, but this is so incredibly up my alley that it'd be impossible for me to dislike it.

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A take on Star Wars I never could have imagined and although it can be awkward at times, the sincerity brings it through. Boba Fett looks like a McDonald's kid's meal.

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Jabba wagging his tail kinda cute

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It's fine, it's cute, but not all that special.

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Best Star Wars music video since Duel of the Fates! That was fun!

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SO, I think comparing episodes is not what this is all about as each one is a unique take of the writer and director. Why not ?

This was more a fun take with some cool references. But it also is about friendship I'd say and staning up for one another. And that, too, is a big part of Star Wars.

And you have to admit, Mini-Boba is awesome.

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Scott Pilgrim vs Jabba the Hutt

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Ya know it's modern Anime when you get randomly bad out-of-place 3D CGI shots in a well animated 2D art style.

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cute but pointless. shallow story, characters and animation.

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This one seemed like it should have been about 5 minutes instead of as long as it was. Seems like more of a Youtube short or something. Cool to see and hear Boba though.

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This band kinda sucks if I'm being honest

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(SPOILERS? - nah, just a bad joke...)

Jabba's a softy.

I will always love certain Japanese music ("Blue Bird" by Ikimono Gakari, "Go!" by Stomu Yamash'ta, some of Isao Tomita and Kitaro), but I'm getting sensitized to the style of Pop in this episode...prolly just hearing it too often ('cuz I can't listen to 90% of the radio dial anymore, which just leaves KMOJ).

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