Damn. I really didn't expect this from the last episodes. Very unexpected and very well done. A hard to watch episode at times but not from the lack of interest, more from the characters you don't want to die... And there is a lot of death here and a lot of stress.

The animation has definitely improved a lot and so has the directing. This is high end war drama done very well. It's heartbreaking to watch and I'm looking forward to more....

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I think the battle was more reminiscent of Vietnam then WWII with the gun ships coming in dropping off the clones. And later the bombers providing CAS looked like they dropped napalm. Also how the enemy used the environment for surprise attacks.
But that Jedi general sure is one to despise. Many other Masters have shown they value the clones as men and not just cannon fodder.

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Shout by Claire Hegarty
BlockedParent2020-02-06T16:18:22Z— updated 2020-02-12T13:46:27Z

General Krell is basically a mix of Capt. Sobel and Lt. Dike from Band of Brothers. The opening is basically the drop scene from the BOB episode Day of Days, mixed with the Bastogne episodes. I don't know how I would have felt if you told me that before I watched it but I really liked this episode. Curious to see how the arc goes.

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6.3/10. The first half consisted more or less of the show attempting to do the opening to Saving Private Ryan. It had its moments, with some cool visuals, and I'm always appreciative of the show allowing there to be actual casualties in this war, even if they tend to be clones. But my eyes started to glaze over without enough character or storytelling within those sequences.

Then, the second half turned into something of a take on Full Metal Jacket. The hardass commanding officer bit is played out, and what's particularly strange about General Krell is that you just don't imagine a Jedi Master having that temperament, which takes me out of an already cliched story from the getgo. There's an interesting story thread with how he doesn't view the clones as people and refers to them by number, until Rex earns his respect enough to be called by his name. But overall, it's a pretty stock story about military hubris that doesn't really make sense coming from a Jedi. We'll see where it goes from here.

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