They haven’t had a sea surge in decades and they just happen to have one the day the bad batch show up eh

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Tech making eyes at Phee, Omega making a fast friend, WRECKER MAKING A FAST FRIEND, Hunter finally realizing he's too tired to keep running. This is the next step in the Batch's evolution. It seriously feels like they might put down roots. Not staying on Pabu forever (don't you dare put an Imperial bullseye on this place, Filoni) but at least having a new home base. Though, it's almost as if Sid is going to be the big bad of this season.

By the time Crosshair finds the again, he's probably not even going to recognize them anymore.

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Pabu look like a various italian place.... like Sorrento or Sperlonga!

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Enough of your bad comments. Don’t you see that every episode has its own dynamics and all the pieces will come together. Please stop making bad comments and just watch what is served to you. Thanks for your understanding.

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How can this show be so shit and cringe when it features the main protagonists but when side characters get the spotlight it is 10x better. Omega and (formerly) Cid make everything so much worse. Outpost was like a 9/10 and every Bad Batch centered episode a 3.5/10 at best.

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Shout by FinFan

This season is developing a theme that episodes featuring the Batch are the least interesting. It was also very convienient that exactly at the time they arive in this paradise a natural desaster strikes. Maybe Pabu will wind up being the place where they ultimately will end up, who knows. It really felt like the beginning of the end for the Batch.

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The Ted Lasso episode of Bad Batch. If they visited Santorini.

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And we're back with the team, and back to boring episodes. The only mildly interesting note was whether they leave Omega there (even temporarily would be a relief).

Doesn't it bother anyone that the mayor's daughter apparently didn't have any friends either before Omega showed up? Aren't there any other children on Pabu? And Tech and that treasure hunter? Really???

Please get back to Crosshair, even Rex and Echo, what's happening with Cody now that he left the imperial army (did he get rid of the chip)?

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I am not entirely certain but I think this was the worst episode in all of Clone Wars history.
If not it is a runner up.
I am not usually so harsh but this episode was such a waste of time. Not only me watching but also everyone involved in its production.

I almost puked when the two children/preteens who just met giggled like mischievous best friends. Make some effort to make your characters appear real for fucks sake!
Find a fucking better solution than this disgusting trope of an episode if you want to establish the crew staying somewhere for a while ... Being stranded like they were before would have been completely sufficient for example and so much better...

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I didn't see an adorable fire ferret in this episode, thus my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

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