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Star Wars Rebels: Season 4

4x07 Kindred

I enjoy the mystical part of the story right now much more than another space battle. Not that I don't like space battles but they more or less look all the same. Going into hypdrive through the hangar of another ship - now that's inventive.

Usually I'm not that big into all the romance stuff in Star Wars. But this thing between Hera and Kanan works well. I wasn't thinking of them as a pair from the start but it became apperent throughout the show there is something more than a deep friendship between them. A bit like the Anakin/Ahsoka relationship. But when Thrawn attacked Chopper Base she adressed Kanan as "Love" on the com which I at first thought to be a slip of tongue. But now in hindsight I guess you could say they were a pair before and if that's the case I applaud the writers for not rubbing it in our face all the time.

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How great is it to see Rukh, Noghri assassin and Thrawn's right hand, finally made a part of Star Wars canon? And voiced by Warwick Davis, no less. They seem to have made him more or less true to Timothy Zahn's original character, if maybe a bit less subtle.

I enjoy the mystical elements of this show far more than the action beats, so there was a lot to like here.

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Let's Turn Those Mountains Into Dust

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Looks like they're indeed drawn to Lothal.

"How have you people stayed alive so long?" :D

Hera's hump through the construction sphere was nice. (But also unnecessary as there would theoretically be so many free spots to escape/jump...)

The wolfes are still cool, especially that travelling ability (shortcut from the northern to the southern hemisphere).

I wonder what Kanan/Doom has to do with all of it and what that "something more sinister" on Lothal is.

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