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Star Wars Rebels: Season 3

3x13 Warhead

I love the bickering between our three heroes, and especially AP-5's digs on Zeb. Good stuff, and a significant plot development at the end, as well.

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I have to admit AP's puns against Zeb were rather funny.

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Why does Zeb randomly go between understanding and not understanding Chopper?

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This was a close one. The Rebels are so lucky that the infiltrator droid had no long range communicator and got damaged by the spiders (+ tripped the alarm!).

AP-5 calling Zeb a Grunt was funny.
And bringing a random droid into a Rebel base indeed wasn't the smartest idea.
"Sorry for my delayed response, I was just rather stunned by the fact that you had a good idea."

"Which I can recall every detail of." xD

Thrawn is getting closer though... :o

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