Shout by Andrew Bloom

[5.8/10] You know, I’d kind of missed the Duloks until now. They were such a big part of season 1 that I was mildly disappointed it seemed like they might have been jettisoned in season 2. But I forgot how generic and annoying they were so, uh, good/bad for me, huh?

The only thing to recommend this one is the brief Indiana Jones-style adventure the four main characters go on to retrieve a gift for Wicket’s mom. There’s some mild cleverness to the fact that what Wicket and Latara think are emeralds turn out to be the eggs of the serpent who attacked them in the forbidden temple. And I appreciate that the show depicts Shodu as being able to hold her own in a fight. But man, there’s a lot of grating Dulok shtick in this one, particularly the stereotypical depiction of the chief’s wife. Feh.

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