Shout by Andrew Bloom

[3.8/10] Way to make your character seems like complete jerks, Ewoks. Everyone in the show is so mean to poor Baga once Silky the unicorn comes along. I get that it’s the point -- to make the audience feel sympathy for Baga and for Kneesa to see the error of her ways by the end. But man, by the end, you don’t want Baga to forgive her by the end. Run away, buddy! Let the evil cat witch take Kneesa and be done with that harsh little Ewok!

Oh yeah, we have yet another cackling villain who wants the sunstar this week. Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t think season 1 was this formulaic in terms of its antagonists. The cat witch is nothing to write home about, despite sending a secretly mean unicorn to trick the Ewoks. Her maze is mildly cool, but these big villain fights lead to a total zone out at this point.

Overall, another rough outing whose only real achievement is in making me low-key hate Kneesa and the others for acting almost cruel toward Baga.

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