Shout by Andrew Bloom

[4.5/10] This was pretty basic and dumb. The Duloks having to take care of a giant baby is bottom of the barrel humor. Thorag tricking the Phlogs into going after the Ewoks by making them think the Ewoks had stolen their baby was a big nothing. And the kid brigade getting caught up in the middle of it was predictable, with little in the way of cleverness.

The only thing worth recommending this one is the dynamic between Wicket and Melani. Little Melani’s hurt feelings at hearing someone she likes bash her is sympathetic, and Wicket’s apology and growth from it makes him more likable for admitting his mistake and acknowledging her hurt. It’s not much, but it’s something human (so to speak) in an otherwise big cheeseball of an episode.

Overall, this one is eminently skippable, unless you’re interested in a lot of dumb giant slapstick and obvious ruses.

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