Shout by Andrew Bloom

[3.3/10] This was a new low. An entire episode built around a giantess being obsessed with Wickett thanks to a love potion is the absolute pits. I’ve grown really tired of the Duloks as antagonists, since they never do anything genuinely clever, but just bumble around with the world’s dumbest plans that they then execute poorly. I know it’s a kids show, and bumbling villains have their entertainment value for that set, but man, it gets tiresome.

So does Wickett’s “love triangle”. The constant nonsense talk of the “Giant Flog” as she smooches and cuddles him quickly becomes grating, and Milani’s jealousy over the situation is just dumb. Everything involving the giantess rumbling around, the Duloks trying to capitalize on the situation to steal the Ewok harvest, and the other silliness involving the magic potion is dull as dishwater.

Overall, the show’s weakest outing yet. You know it’s a bad sign when the best part of an episode is the title’s cheeky reference to a bit of behind-the-scenes Star Wars lore.

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