Diego Luna absolutely served :muscle:

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That Security Force is probably good Stormtrooper material. :laughing:

Anyway, still slow burning. The whole first three episodes released today are rather on long pilot movie I guess. Let's see how that movie ends.

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Great speech, sir. Very inspiring.

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I want to know everything there is to know about bell guy

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This show is going entirely too slow for me. Like the episode went by and it felt like nothing happened. I'll keep trying to get through it but they need to pick up the pace. I hope I'm not alone in this thought.

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I must be missing something…just seems like a bunch of random scenes stitched together. I’m going to keep watching, but so far it’s not all that interesting for me.

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"There's fomenting out there, sir. Pockets of fomenting."

Great episode. Still taking it slow in pace but establishes the world perfectly. The metal clanker signaling start day and end of day. The trigger-happy corpo soldiers eager to get into action in times of imperial slow bureaucracy. The flashback of Kenari kids. The whole world feels very lived in. I particularly like Mosk's line: "Corporate Tactical Forces are the Empire's first line of defense." Really makes you think what kind of political institution the Empire is: relying on private security company to do their job.

So far this has felt like Altered Carbon (Season 1) or The Expanse, set in Star Wars universe. That's really a feat: brings me back to pre-Disney, classic Star Wars Expanded Universe.

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I can appreciate it's not like every other spin off, focused on creatures and side missions but I still don't know what the hell is this show even about. Just a man on the run?

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Is this what passes for good writing these days?

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So, Cassian lies low on Ferrix while that wanna-be stormtrooper plans on capturing him. Rather boring episode, more filler than telling anything new.

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the plot thickens and this show continues to be a vibe. I'm very interested to see how Cassian gets himself out of the mess he's mucking in. Also, v. concerned that his mom (Maarva) is gonna be killed. and the droid too

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Shout by noelct

I am feeling the slow burn a bit, like this and the last episode could have covered this ground in just one. But still hooked by the build. I love you Fiona Shaw! And that's a hell of an intro to Alex Ferns.

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This was definitely a step back. I've heard it gets good but I'm not sure what the show is about.

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This episode was borderline boring.

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Very boring so far, nothing going on...

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Looks like we're in for a slow burn. There wasn't much action but I don't mind as it was still interesting (exploring the Star Wars universe is already enough for me).

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Good "part 2" of the first episode, just linda further setting things up, and I love that it's taking its sweet time with it too, the buildup really just helps with establishment. It's awesome! We get to see this time period in a cool way that we haven't been able to see before, and I'm ready for more! Love the dude jamming out with the bell gonging though, best character for sure, hope Disney makes a 12 episode series just about him!

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Shout by Deleted

Feels like these first ones were kind of all one thing. Future phases have me more interested.

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