It seems that the Federation may be as bad as the Jedi Council at times.

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I'm surprised at how many aspects of this show are recycled (both plot lines and the Enterprise set in this case). I know it's an old show and budgets were different back then but I didn't know just how low the standards were even for a now "classic" piece of media. So much of this show feels like it existed way before its vision could even partially be realized.

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Another episode that could have been great, but instead more fluff degrades the story.

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Interesting message unfortunately executed exceedingly clumsily in a plot where the Gideon's actions don't really make sense. Could have been told much better, and they basically gave it a happy-go-lucky non-ending that made it confusing as to what was actually happening. It didn't help that this was obviously a budget-saving episode. This show is capable of much better, even when it's still awkward and badly written. Still, props for actually taking on such a primevally taboo subject. I honestly don't think any modern Trek, post-TOS would have the spine to look the problem in the face for what it is, despite the fact that we've been facing the crux of the problem for half a century.

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