The idea with aliens from the neighbouring Andromeda galaxy is good. And up to the point they are leaving our galaxy it was a great episode. It was dreadful to watch how everyone was turned into those little cubes and they didn't even bother to take them anywhere but just left them lying around. You really felt the hopelessness of the situation.

The solution ? Turning it into a comedy. Even if the part with Scotty and that Alien was well played everything hinges again on Kirk smooching a woman and invoking jealousy in the Kelvan leader. Who than within seconds agrees to the same things he rejected as impossible.

That's a bit to simplistic and easy even for 60s TV. Especially since on many occasions the show did better.

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Kind of enjoyable in its silliness. The highlight was definitely Scotty's drunken adventure, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Kirk's dirty leer when Kelinda asked him to "apologise" again.

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Scotty: Holds up drink.
Alien: What is it?
Scotty: It's... green.

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That was such an unlikely blunder for Kirk, it’s really throwing my feelings for this episode.

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That's repetitive. Not to say boring. An emergency call lures the crew to a planet, powerful creatures stranded on the planet capture the Enterprise and detain the shore party. Again. Didn't we have similar stories before? Plus, the studio planet with its astro turf looks awful. There's of course a trusted approach: get Kirk's mojo working. It helps that the female aliens are - pardon my French - smoking hot. That dress! Kirk's Roman-Greek wrestling skills are also put to use. As I said: it's repetitive (While Scotty's very Scottish escape plan fails miserably).

PS: it's of course interesting to see where the idea of the galactic barrier came from. This seems to be the first episode that shows this concept (it was discussed earlier though). There are later iterations of this strange idea (it was in DISCO and I believe it was in TNG). They all looked equally strange. Blame this episode.

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I see this turning into the eventual failure of Knight Rider. I guess Kirk is the Hasselhoff of the 60s. Or Riker for that matter. Mingling in all this Captain gets the girl in ever episode is lethargic to she show. Fluff shud be saved for the soaps.

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Shout by Simon

It wouldn't be Kirk's Star Trek without some male on female action; they have to work it into the plot somewhere

All too convieiantly, the master race is persuaded to change their minds after a tast of 'the human expereince' which actually is quite insulting to every other race

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