A genuine classic, funny and fun. I could totally see Simon Pegg in Scotty's role here. Love that DS9 revisited this episode later in such a clever way.

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I never expected to hear the word "bisexual" in classic Star Trek.

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The famous and loved Tribble episode. Lighthearted yet serious at the bottom.

This is probably the TOS I laughed the most. And it's honest laughter because the humor was great. The scene where Scotty explains to Kirk he didn't fight because the Klingon insulted his Captain but rather the ship - the look on Kirk's face feels so genuine.

Interesting to watch the original episode after the DS9 re-visit. In my mind I see the DS9 crew in the background.

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Who wouldn't want a tribble? The ultimate pet, it soothes bad nerves, only needs to eat - oh yeah, and they breed like wildfire :(

It would have been nice to 'see' Scotty beam all the Tribbles over to the Klingons and maybe even what they thought of them...

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A great episode, if a bit silly.

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are there any tribbleposters in chat?

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