Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-07-12T18:39:48Z— updated 2023-02-12T14:16:09Z

It's okay. Mildly entertaining. Still don't get why the Vedek transmitted his message to Voyager. Plus, I don't understand why the Marquis members dress as homeless motorcycle club members, but you shouldn't take this episode too serious I guess. It's one of those little mystery episodes that are usually silly but can be quite okay - like this episode for example. They have failed before to write an interesting story about the fact that one part of the crew is Starfleet and the other part is former Marquis. But I thought they have given up on this topic in season one. Stubborn writers -they don't learn their lessons.

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Shout by FinFan

This was mildly interesting x-files episode until it wasn't.

Alone bringing the Maquis back into the picture in season seven is such a waste of time. But what would be the point of it anyway. Why resurrect a dead movement 35 years away in another part of the galaxy ? There's nothing in it for the Vedek, he can't even be sure they ever get back home. And how did he manage to include his message into the letter to Tuvok? I also think it was weak that the Doctor didi not made the connection that the microfractures came from a mind-meld. The pattern alone would have made that obvious.

Cutting corners is one thing but ignoring basic plot logic is a failure on the writers part. I do applaud though that they brought back characters from long ago. It would have been easy to just reduce the story on Chakotay and B'Elanna.

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