At the end of the day. Janeway did it all for Seven

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I had planed to write a lot on this final episodes, i even took notes while watching. But quite frankly I lost interest along the way.

To sum it up in one sentence. The finale displayed everything I didn't like about Voyager to a T.

The last time I watched the show I said I am not sure I would watch it again but I did. Now I am sure and I won't.

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It's always difficult to say goodbye to a Star Trek show. It was hell of a ride and I will miss the whole crew. The ending was quite nice, they wrapped everything up, although Chakotay/Seven romance plot was an awkward surprise. There was no indication of the possibility of a relationship between the two of them, and they have zero chemistry.

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Besides the seven Chakotay romance I liked the end. I liked seeing Janeway without her closest friends there to hear her thoughts and help guide her in her decisions. Or question them. Without those 3 people It’s eff the world, which I’m totally okay with but it’s not very starfleet.

If the writers were allowed to give her more of a vulnerable side and some emotional range she would have been a better captain. It seemed like this show only wanted their women stoic

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I'm torn on this episode. There were some really good aspects, but there was some really lazy writing. The finale should have been better. It's almost like they planned to have some proper wrap up for the characters, but then realized they had a few episodes left and had to end it. This two part finale comes out of nowhere and doesn't resolve the story. It just ends it with a bunch of writing hacks. Where is the resolution?

We do at least get the writers to acknowledge the Janeway was a self righteous prick.

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They really should have saved the firework scenes from the future and moved them to the end instead, they could have moved the cocktail party to the end also, so at least there was some closure; nobody cheered on the bridge that they got home or anything. I wish they’d removed some of the lengthy preamble and spent more time at the end basically. But, that aside and Chakotay and Seven’s ridiculous last minute romance aside, I loved watching it through again. I wish they would upscale like it like TNG though.

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Shout by xiKoDeX

so awesome they Come Home so good

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