One of my very favorite Trek episodes from any series. The best Chakotay episode of the series.

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:asterisk_symbol:erases rant about the doctor not feeling like part of the crew after that last double feature:asterisk_symbol:

I liked this episode even tho it doesn’t push us home. Liked seeing the old faces to remind us where we came from. Predictable seska and the kazon causing problems

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In general a good episode, but you lost me the moment Seska and the dumb Kazon appeared. The finale made up for it, though.

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Surprisingly enjoyable Chakotay episode. Just proves that it's been the writing all along.

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Look at Chakotay! Give him a decent script, let him be the boss and he does quite well. And this script is quite good actually. It's temporal anomalies done right. It's perhaps one of the best time travel episodes of the franchise (don't expect to understand temporal mechanics though). Its complexity is often veiled behind a layer of funny diversions. It's also very ambitious 'cause they hired a large cast and brought back many of the stages, FX, characters and costumes from earlier episodes. To my liking, Janeway learns too much about her future, though (it is claimed though that nobody will rember but I'm not sure whether they can be sure). If not this episode might mark the point in time where (young) Janeway began to contemplate the possibility of ignoring the temporal directive when stakes are high: this might partly explain how this show ends. But that's just my theory of course (to reconcile myself with the last two episodes of this show).

Plus: Naomi and Icheb ;-) Plus: the long awaited return of Chaotica!

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Janeway had some classic lines in this about the Delta Quadrant being a death trap and going from one nightmare situation into another, that was pretty funny.

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A very fun episode that doesn't take itself too seriously.

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Playing with time is a staple for Star Trek, sometimes it works, sometimes it fails spectacularly. This episode just has fun with it and it works out.

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