Nice try convincing us Picard was dead. But that's not what this is about. It's a really fun and entertaining episode. Lot's of adventure, action, charades, deceptions and so on. This episode, beside its interesting story, is a testament as to what this show has acchieved at this point. The chemistry between the actors and their familarity with their characters makes it absolutely believeable that those people would understand each other without saying a word. Althought Worf seemed to have some issues with that. But this is than addressed in a great conversation between him and, acting Captain, Data. Which is another highlight of the episode to see him mimicing Picard in certain aspects while preserving his own style of command. Another moment I liked was at the beginning of part one where Troi confronted Riker about not attenting the memorial service. That was a powerful moment.
Interestingly I only realized that Geordi was missing after I watched the episode. So what does that mean ??
And I never registered the irony of an isolationist movement on Vulcan while there is one of unification on Romulus. Until now.

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That ending was funny haha :D

Pretty good double episode and I loved the dialog between Data and Worf. It showed once again that there is the one side with the rules and stuff but on the other side they are all pretty good friends. And it always brings a smile onto my face when Data talks about friendship. :)

Only 21 episodes left. I‘ll miss the crew of TNG. I hope I‘ll like the ones from DS9, VOY and ENT too (as mentioned in earlier comments, I‘m a first time watcher, so it‘ll be exciting to get to know them :)).

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A fun continuation of part 1, full of deceptions and double crosses and a lot of silly excitement. But the parts which really stand out for me involve the wonderful scenes between Data and Worf. It's a great pairing and their completely different personalities allow for some strong character moments to appear.

Also, the giant Klingon, Koral, is great. And the ending is really funny.

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That ending made me :D

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Love that scene with Data and Worf in the ready room. I’m gonna miss this show!

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