I don't know what happened. After watching season 2, episode 16, Q Who, I wrote a comment outlining my immense disdain for the character Q. But here I am, having finally watched through all of TNG in its entirety for the very first time, and I'm going to miss that bastard. The way his relationship developed with Picard really turned around my view on him. A perfect ending to this amazing series. It has left me feeling incredibly wistful and I will very much miss the Enterprise crew. I am both immensely happy to have been on this journey with all of them, but also very sad that this is the end.

I guess Tasha Yar said it best:
Death is that state in which one exists only in the memory of others. Which is why it is not an end. No goodbyes. Just good memories.

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I´ve seen this final episode a couple of times before. Still, I had a lump in my throat and a stinging sensation in the eyes at the end yet again.

Beside that, this is an awesome episode. Technically brilliant, superb writing and another great performance from Patrick Stewart. A fitting end to one of the best shows ever.

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congrats, you've reached the final double episode. 7 long seasons and you persisted. well done!!

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A solid ending to this great series. Nice to see Q for a last time – at least for now. I hope, we'll see him again in DS9, I actually liked the character although many people hate him. The plot in this double episode was a bit tricky at first but as soon as Q popped up it was clear where this was going. Nicely executed and wrapped up the quality of this series. Oh and thank god Beverly finally managed to marry Jean-Luc in the future part of the episode, it was about time. :D

TNG was great, surely some episodes were utter bullshit, but all in all the composition of the crew and the stories were mostly gorgeous. I'll miss them. :)

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If you've been following my write-ups here (and bless you if you have), I reviewed both parts of "All Good Things..." as one complete piece in S07E26. Engage!

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I wrote a long review and then trakt.tv refreshed and lost it. Screw you.
Basically, I like this episode a lot but don't quite love it because it doesn't make any sense. The anomaly and Q's test are never explained and don't seem to have any point in the end. But as a character piece it's wonderful and emotional.

Anyway, that's the end of my TNG rewatch, the first I've done in many many years. It looked glorious in HD on those lovely blu-rays and I'll be forever upset if Deep Space Nine never gets the same treatment (I don't give a shit about Voyager). There is a great range in quality of episodes but mostly it was hugely enjoyable, and these actors all worked so well together.

I'm follow the Star Trek Chronology Project and am also going through DS9 right now, with Voyager coming up soon.

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Somewhat enjoyable but the plot doesn't really make any sense and basically the end result is that the episode never happened or just happened in Picard's mind (which seems to happen a lot in this series…and in Star Trek in general…)

Essentially if he had just done nothing there wouldn't have been any problem.

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