4 episodes left and they chose to publish this nonsense

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An interesting premise but I didn't care for the holodeck's involvement.

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Shout by FinFan

I must be one of the few who really like this episode. The idea that the ship creates a lifeform is good sci fi. Of course it is a fantasy and you have to buy into the concept. Which you have to do with almost everything in this genre. There are some holes and the biggest problem for me is that we never learn about this lifeform. If it was created from the experiences of the crew, like Picard believes, it would have certainly been interesting to know more. I also liked the holodeck tie-in and how you could see the parallels evolving.
One personal observation that has nothing to do with with the plot: I like to see Dr. Crushers invitation to Picard to take a ride on the Orient-Express as a little hint that, maybe, there are still some feelings left. Because "you never know who you might meet". Pure wishful thinking on my part.

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if i wanted fantasy i would have watched fantasy...

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What the heck was this episode?

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Doesn't make any sense… Where did this thing come from? The ship just spontaneously spawned life?

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This was like somebody attempting to do an imitation of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode.
So, pretty much a Star Trek: Voyager episode.

I was bored out of my mind. It didn't make a bit of sense and not only do the actors not really seem to care about what's happening, it feels like the characters don't either. This was lazy beyond belief.

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