Pretty creepy, even with its tame 1990s execution. Imagine being told that your arm was amputated and reattached without your knowledge! The highlight for me was seeing a really creative use of the holodeck.

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Good episode but I did get the feeling it ended prematurely, almost like they run out of time.

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I enjoyed the first half quite a bit, but once they figure out the source of their mystery, the last ten or so minutes resolving it are pretty unsatisfying.

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One of the best cold opens in the series.

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An interest and creepy episode that fails to stick the landing. Data’s poetry was awesome.

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Data's poem about how his cat functions is one of the funniest moments of the whole show.

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As I mentioned several times I am not a huge fan of the horror themed episodes. Yet I find this episode more interesting because of the alien abduction theme. The ending was rather unsatisfying and pretty much open anyway as they never picked up on that probe. We really don't learn much about those subspace creatures. As such the episode falls therefore into the alien-of-the-week category.

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Not the best-written episode. The technobabble was overdone, which is saying something for a series that to some extent relies on it.

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