This episode is rightly lauded as one of the best of the entire franchise. It's emotional, powerful and thoughtful and exemplifies exactly what the show is about. But, and I am frustrated with myself for saying this, I don't really love it all that much. This could be a product of having seen it a bit too often, or having it always rammed down my throat as BEST TREK EVAH!1!!

I get it, it IS quite wonderful, but I've always found it to highlight The Next Generation's inherent weakness, and that is that the episodic nature of the show. This is an episode that absolutely demanded to have repercussions for Picard as a character, and there are absolutely none. It should have utterly changed him as a person. The fact that this is such a self-contained episode makes it lose its power somewhat for me. Much in the same way that Worf is completely fine following 'Ethics' or that Riker falls in love but has forgotten all about it after 'The Outcast', TNG tells fantastic stories that you can dip in and out of at any time but so rarely rewards the viewer for watching.

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One of the most memorable and emotional episodes to date.

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I love this of my top 10!

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One of the best, this is what Star Trek is all about, discovery and reflection. Sad to say the new movies don't remotely reflect that philosophy.

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This episode gets to me no matter how many times I watch it. Sadly this kind of writing has been absent for quite some time. Star Trek or else

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This one was gorgeous. Unfortunately, i spoilered myself reading other comments, that Picard won‘t take much of this episode to the remaining episodes of the show. Pretty sad because the story was extremely touching and would deeply change a person for the rest of his life after experiencing something like that. But oh well.. Seeing Picard growing into that life and accepting it to make the best out of it, shows him from a side we sometimes miss in the regular show. A loving, warm-hearted family person. Pretty refreshing. I don’t know why but the last episodes of the seasons are very very good lately. I hope it stays like that. :)

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25 minutes to live a lifetime

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Possibly my fave TNG episode of all time.

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Incredible character development for Picard, and it ends the 2 or 3 boring episode streak the show had.

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holy shit, this epoisode is the best episode I ever seen.

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Shout by splenda
BlockedParent2019-10-15T02:31:31Z— updated 2019-10-23T06:04:18Z

Recently rewatched this episode and it still left me just as emotional as the first time I saw it. Masterfully done. The acting, particularly Margot Rose as Captain Picard's wife, was outstanding. Episodes like this makes Star Trek what it is.

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My favorite episode of any television show in history, by a wide margin.

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Bittersweet - a masterpiece of an episode.

Seize the moment, "live in the now" for tomorrow is never promised... still, we live on in the memory of others... Love IS worth the inevitable loss, and made that much more precious by the knowledge of life's finite nature.

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