As season premieres go, this was a pretty good one that upped the stakes from the last episode with all the set-up out of the way. Having Denise Crosby return was a welcome surprise in a new role especially learning what happened to her after the events of Yesterday's Enterprise which was something I wasn't expecting the series to touch on again; and seeing Data in command of his own ship was so satisfying.

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Superb double episode, really enjoyed watching them. Data is badass, holy macaroni! Was great to see Denise Crosby in her new role, hope she'll appear more often now. And Worf is such an interesting character, connecting the best of Klingons and Humans.

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Boom Bang! Good times storyline x2. That arc though. :)

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Many things come together here in this episode and TNG felt more like a complete universe than it ever had before. The decision to serialize storylines was one of the best they ever made. If they hadn't started it in this show, TNG, and later DS9, would have never been what it was.

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