One of the weakest TNG episodes outside of the first couple of seasons. Too much focus on an uninteresting guest star from an uninteresting planet, with a terribly cheap design. I'm also distracted by how much Ishara looks like Sarah Connor.

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Snooze fest... except for further insight into Data's emotional development.

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Probably the weakest episode of the season yet. It's always cool to see more Tasha Yar-related stuff - and exploring Ishara as a character and the differences/similarities between her and her sister helped; why Tasha went to Starfleet and she didn't etc, but as the time went by it felt a bit flat-footed with an all-too generic Coalition vs Alliance fight that I couldn't care about. But it just felt very Season 1-2-y and that's not a good sign. Riker and Data's scenes were the strongest of the episode here.

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Beth Toussaint as Tasha’s sister.
A rescue mission, where the crew are helped by the sister of a dead regular character. But can they trust her?
She is mostly paired with Data, and the script brilliantly walks the does-he-have-feelings? line as he learns about trust and betrayal.
Good sets (in the underground city) and good action sequences. All well shot by Robert Scheerer.
According to IMDb users, this is the 45th worst episode.

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Very weak episode. And where’s Wesley???

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Shout by FinFan

I never really like this episode a lot. It deals too much with the emotion of wanting Tasha Yar back. But it doesn't do it in a good way. It was to convenient inventing Ishara, make her look (a bit to) similar to Tasha. I'll admit I wanted to see something of her in Ishara, much like the crew did, on first watch and was a bit dissapointed. I went through the same emotions the crew had. One of the advantages of watching episodes repeatedly is you can look upon the story from different angles because you already know what is going to happen. And suddenly it all feels wrong.
The best bit is the short discussion between Riker and Data at the end about trust and friendship. But it can not save a below average episode. Especially considering some of the great ones before.

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