Another episode I seem to have no memory of! But again, not too surprising because it's nothing special. Geordi episodes just seem to fall so flat for me, and I can't help but think that it's because LeVar Burton's performance is crippled by that damn visor on his eyes. The most interesting parts of the episode involve the Klingons, and there are two pretty great actors playing the guest roles here.

We also get our first glimpse of a shadowy Romulan female who will emerge soon. The ending highlights the limitations of episodic television as Deanna emphasises to Geordi that it will take him a "very long time" to resolve and accept what has happened to him; nope, he's fine by the next episode.

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Shout by Simon

That was a close call! Good reflexes there from Picard. I think Troy has her work cut out...

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That is an order, Worf.

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Is that Selig or whatever from Enterprise??
The Romulan operating the programming / torture device on Geordi..

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Shout by FinFan

An artificial intelligence seminar on a pleasure planet ? That sounds wrong. But this isn't the main issue.
This episode was a little bit better than I remembered it to be. But it still falls short. A romulan ploy involving a Klingon conspirator to drive the Federation and the Klingon Empire apart - doesn't that sound exciting ? It does but the episode does not live up to it. With what is at stakes here there should be bristling tension but everytime you think it peakes it immediately falls flat. Since the viewer already knows what happened to LaForge and his role in the ploy, the investigations are boring. And there is a logic error: since they know the chips had been tampered with, why didn't they bother watching for fingerprints or DNA instead of reconstructing a security code ? However moving forward this episode has some weight so there is that.
On a side note: in HD you can clearly see the romulan female in the shadow is not played by Denise Crosby. Her voice was added in post production.

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"Your modesty is very human, Captain, I will excuse it." -Ambassador
Also that tension as Data tracked down the perpetrator was hella intense. Like so good. I thought he might've actually shot him if he didn't have plot armor lol.

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