What a cringe-worthy super icky episode. First, La Forge was acting very creepy towards Dr. Brahms -- to the point of it being borderline sexual harassment. Second, Picard accidentally kills the mother alien, then has Crusher birth the baby and then he was going to just fly away and not do anything for the baby? Really? Might as well left the baby unborn. Terrible episode.

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I watched that La Forge and Brahms storyline through my fingers. Ohhhh so extremely unpleasant. That Dr. Brahms felt like she "owed (Geordi) an apology" for (rightly) feeling violated, and that weird ending... doesn't sit right with me. Maximum discomfort. It would have made more sense if he'd apologised for perverting her persona. I'd also find it easier to understand all interactions thereafter being a bit terse but professional. The flirtatious bizarre conclusion seems at odds with reality.

The separate main story though, was a bit sad, but rather precious.

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Geordi, the Enterprise version of Voyagers Harry Kim lololol

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Shout by Milo123

It's a fun episode, and a rare Geordi-centric one that's a sequel to another Geordi-centric one. There's not much to say about this one again but it's a cool follow up to Booby Trap despite some caveats, and seeing the real Leah Brahms as opposed to the holodeck one was cool. Susan Gibney shined here - the chemistry between the real Gibney and Burton is good even if it ultimately can go nowhere between their characters due to Brahms being married - and it's a shame these are her only two TNG episodes, would have loved to have seen her become more of a feature on the series. At least Gibney got to show up in DS9, though.

Brahms admitting that she hasn't been very fair to Geordi was a bizzare reaction, though, and was a downpoint to an otherwise solid episode. The plot about a space--born alien life form thinking that The Enterprise was its mother was a decent, if unessential, storyline, that TNG has refined enough by now.

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