Just stating the obvious: Patrick Stewart is one hell of an actor. So-so episode, but the performances here were great.

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They did Sarek dirty. I like how they didn't disclose with whom Spock married. I can imagine it was Kirk. Yes, I'm aware it's kinda impossible, but hey, a girl can dream.

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The return of Sarek is the big highlight of this show, with the rest of the episode being a mixed bag. Mark Lenard is just wonderful and brings a lot of gravitas to the screen (as if Patrick Stewart wasn't doing that already). This was the first time TNG really acknowledged that there was a previous Star Trek show which they were drawing from (outside of Dr. McCoy's brief appearance in the pilot), and it's really something they should have done a bit more often.

For all that, it's a bit of a ponderous episode. The escalating arguments between the crew are amusing, especially the Wesley/Geordie one. Love the knock that Wesley gets in about Geordie only being able to find love on the holodeck (because it's true). The Ten-Forward riot is great.

But what many people people consider the highlight of the episode doesn't work that well for me. Patrick Stewart gives a rather over-the-top performance in an extremely emotional scene which is entrancing but also made me giggle a bit.

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When I was a young man and saw this episode the first time, I was very sad about how things turn out, and then I got older and saw the ravages of mental illness on loved ones and realized it hits the target perfectly. You don't want a beloved character to suffer in this way, and yet life has other ideas.

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I get confused about the old uniforms. Probably they used the old ones for all the extras.

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The episode that made me a Patrick Stewart fan !

I already liked his work as Picard on the show but this was something else. That scene in his quarters shows you what an amazing actor Stewart is (if you want to know how good he really is check the entry on imdb trivia). He pulls you in with his performance. This is, for my, one of the highlights of the show. Granted, the story itself is a bit thin in the background but I think since it ultimately was about Sarek it is fine. We learn a lot about his feelings (that so far he never had shown).

On a personal level I will also always remember seeing Lenard on a convention back in, I guess 1994, which was my first con ever. He walked right past me at a dinner and he had this unbelievable presence around him.

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The Vulcan psyche is interesting, it's no wonder they work so hard to suppress it.

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