For reasons unknown to me the second season is much shorter. On average quality is on par with season one. There's no standout episode like season one's Yesteryear. There's not many bad episodes either. Quality is much more consistent than in season one.

I thoroughly enjoyed The practical Joker though. Call it my guilty pleasure.

  • :clown: My guilty pleasure: The practical Joker
  • :thumbsup: Best episode: The Counter-clock Incident
  • :thumbsdown_tone3: Worst episode: How sharper than a Serpent's Tooth
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Filmation’s Star Trek comes to an end after a short 6-episode second season. Rather than sequel original series episodes (like last season), Season 2 sees the first holodeck going awry (“The Practical Joker”), the return of the Enterprise’s first captain (“The Counter-Clock Incident”), and Kirk facing off against the Mesoamerican god Kukulkan (“How Sharper Than a Serpents Tooth”). Gene Roddenberry and DC Fontana scale back their involvement and Bill Reed takes over directing duties following Hal Sutherland’s departure. And yet, the series wins Star Trek’s first and only non-technical Emmy – Outstanding Children’s Program for the episode “How Sharper Than Serpent’s Tooth.” However, the animation hasn’t improved; containing all the usual errors and reused cells, and the voice work is just as flat and lifeless. Still, there are some interesting stories and a couple of fun action scenes. Yet for all its faults, Season 2 of Star Trek: The Animated Series feels closer to the live-action series than the first season.

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