Shout by Erik Öhman
BlockedParent2023-07-20T08:58:22Z— updated 2023-07-24T13:07:22Z

This was another, obviously, amazing episode. It’s like they can’t do anything wrong!

And I can’t believe that Gooding (Uhurua) is only 23. She is an amazing actor and act with such confidence and experience.

And that final scene and handshake had me giddy as a… Trekkie! :vulcan_salute:

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As a casual Trek watcher, even I get a kick out of that TOS meeting at the end, and I loved that they keep it casual instead of making it among episode's big plot moments.

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That final Uhura, Spock and Kirk moment!. :vulcan::wink:

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Boring. Bloated. Baffling. After a breakout first season, Strange New Worlds' writers seem intent on falling back on familiar tropes. "Lost in Translation" is a formulaic "One crewmember is hallucinating but everybody is convinced it's exhaustion or something else until an event proves that it isn't and it turns out that only they have the key to saving the day" episode- one we've seen countless times before. Only this time, thanks to the show not being on broadcast TV, it comes with an extra 12 minutes of runtime. Given the absurd predictability of the plot the main draw of the piece is the fan service, which is illustrated by yet another appearance of Lt. James Kirk. It felt as if the powers that be on this show got so excited to give us "First Contact" scenes between Kirk & Uhura, and then Kirk & Spock that they didn't bother to come up with an interesting main storyline, or even a compelling B plot. (Rebecca Romijn & Carol Kane have zero chemistry.) I keep hoping that this show will be as good as it was in season 1. I guess that I'll have to keep waiting.

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Damn the Hemmer stuff made me emotional! From Uhura then surprisingly Una! Super unexpected. It is very telling that such a short run of episode have enabled these characters to have such an impact on me. Loving this :hearts:

Also I got my La'an x Kirk moment and glad it was almost swept aside. Gimmie that slow burn baby :fire:

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Seeing Hemmer go from Gorn zombie to his old self brought tears to my eyes.

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I really ship La'An and Kirk and I want that to happen already (well, happen -again-). Since La'An appearing in this episode was kind of unnecessary, the showrunners are most probably establishing the follow-up to their relationship, hopefully happening in this season.

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Seems to be a huge error in judgment on Kirk's part to give a phaser to Uhura knowing she is hallucinating, especially after she had already punched him due to a hallucination.

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Fleet Captain, hmm... is handing over NCC-1701 to James T. Kirk anytime near?

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That was the weakest episode of this season so far.

And I still don't understand why they needed to name a "random recurring character" James Kirk for no apparent reason, since it's obviously not Kirk (they could have called him Jim Carrey).

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Shout by Neil Trout
BlockedParent2023-07-20T23:19:35Z— updated 2023-07-23T13:59:58Z

It took a loooong time to reveal what we all knew happened right at the start. Not sure this season is really as good as the last to be honest. 2 out of 10. Edit: just watched those old scientists 10/10 the show is redeemed lol

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Nice use of the Bussard collectors!!

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The A plot of the show was great but the 10 other sub-plot just felt scattered and sort of like lets invent some things for all the other cast to do. I find this show works better when only focusing on two or three characters. Still this episode hit a lot of great emotional moments but overall it just felt like plot housekeeping. Keep some story threads alive but don't give them the focus they might otherwise observe.

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The A-plot here is mostly uninspiring and derivative, but the people who put this show together really do a good job of including a bunch of little extras that show that they're fans of the franchise every bit as much as we are. That closing scene, for example, is just pure gold.

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I wonder if the producers will make another new ST with Kirk as Captain when Pike is no longer able to be Captain. Either through death or being incapacitated

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Shout by kinky

Uhura was clearing hearing Transformers transforming. Crossover incoming!

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Several moments, including call-backs..."I'm A Little Verklempt."

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