A much better episode than last week's catastrophic rubbish.
But now a Cliffhanger, to be continued! Why not have part 2 now ☹? I find this very annoying.

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Oh them Three Little words To be continued......:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Great episode! The idea that young Scotty "worked" with JT Kirk's brother first is both funny and brilliant at the same time! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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As I'm working through TNG I should have been used to this by now, but this still has me go "C'MON!" when it ended on a similarly massive cliffhanger lol. Good finale though

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Oh, fuck you, Star Trek Strange New Worlds!

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Welcome to the family, Scotty!! :hugging:
I'm glad he didn't start singing, like he does in that other parallel universe where he's a bard. :musical_note:

I still don't understand this whole thing about the Gorn now being a major threat to the Federation, but, hey, I had fun! :lizard::gun:

Nurse Chapel and Spock holding hands in the cold harshness of space was beyond romantic! :heart_eyes:

And did we witness an Aliens tribute in that particular scene with Captain Batel? :drooling_face::alien:

There were a few scenes in this episode where Pike's hair was quite curly... What does it mean?! That's character development, right there. :exploding_head:

Also, fuck you, cliffhanger, nobody likes you! :expressionless:

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Man, Aliens sure looks very different from what I remembered...

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Amazing episode but please stop using cliff-hangers I beg you... This should have been a double episode.

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Incredible finale! But man, it's going to be a pain waiting for the next season lol.

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This second season of SNW was amazing, but come on, it's 2023, we don't need a cliffhanger episode for a season finale anymore!

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Outstanding suspense filled episode! Ending SUCKS only because we have to wait until next year to see what happens :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

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so nurse Chapel is the only survivor, or is she? In that case they condemned any other survivors to a fiery death.

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Cliffhangers suck and don't actually funlfil their purpouse.

I always wait for next seasons of shows that I like, but cliffhangers actually have the opposite effect sometimes as i don't rewatch anything that ends in a cliffhanger.

Otherwise a really good episode, so 3/10 instead of 0(1)/10!

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When did people start hating cliffhangers? They've been a staple of tv finales for a long time

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Well. From bs forced musical last time to this epic cliffhanger. Redeemed but can’t help but feel last week was a poor filler episode.

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I love how the Gorn are the stuff of nightmares now, and the episodes where they appear are very Alien-like so to keep you on the edge of your seat. I like how TOS crew is slowly getting together and I like them all so far. Everyone is commenting on the cliffhanger, but hey, they gotta keep people engaged, and what better way than ending the season with fans going: Oh, come on!

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Excellent episode but it leaves me slightly annoyed we wasted time with a musical episode when we could have had a part 1 and 2 finale and not end on a massive cliffhanger.

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Taking off a point for ending on a cliffhanger

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Chris, Chris, Chris!? Good cliffhanger

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"Hey, don't blame me. If you didn't want me to show up unexpectedly, you shouldn't have hung up on me, so there.":smirk:

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Good episode, and then there's the dreaded cliffhanger. 7/10

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great finale, really put last week's shit show to shame!

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So captain Pike the test pilot is scared as shit in a shuttle craft during descent to a planet? Fuck off show

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Sometimes monsters are monsters. And cliffhangers are monsters. The worst kind of it.

I don’t think that I like the new Scotty, but I’m willing to give him a few episodes …

I’m missing the „good old days“ when seasons where between 20-26 episodes. Now we only get 10 and need to wait at least a year :sob::sob::sob:

This season was a blast. And the finale was great!

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Very decent ending, not the best episode of the season imo, but definitely a good way to kick off the next season. Had to skip previous episode, musicals dont do it for me

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Apart from the annoying cliffhanger this is what Star Trek should be and not that woke crap that Pedowood has been feeding us previously.

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Much better again.Scotty!!!

Just 3 things:

First of all, Enterprise is awfully quick to use the saucer section without even checking if there are survivors.

And secondly, why couldn't more people on the ship survive other than Chapel? It's not really very credible that the only survivor is Chapel.

Pike beams his girlfriend who's a carrier of Gorn eggs up to the Enterprise???

Let's disband credibility. The episode was suspenseful, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion.

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This episode is better than most feature films in pretty much every possible way. Amazing stuff.

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Great episode but with the writers and actors striking the wait for season 3 will be excruciating. :flushed:

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Good episode and the only one that really felt like it continued season 1.

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Shout by nox32

Why was the federation being such bitches? The form destroyed one of their ships. That’s an act of war. Disappointing that it ended in a cliffhanger. I don’t like cliffhangers that make me wait a week. Now we have to wait at least a year :weary:. With the writers strike who know how long before season 3. I don’t see why they didn’t just chop off the arm of batel. I mean with the technology that they have at this time they could have a really badass prosthetic or just regenerate the tissue (not real sure if they can at this point in the continuum.

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I'd rated this episode with a full 8 but giving it only 5 for the cliffhanger.
Great episode though.

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