Another great episode but this time I also need to comment on that I just knew that Nurse Chapel would become a favourite of mine and this episode really showed that. Jess Bush is just a perfect casting for Chapel. Actually every character is great and so is the casting.

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Pike is ok, but among the rest there isn’t one likeable character

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The show just keeps stepping it up. This was a joyous adventure full of fun and making full use of the characters. Ethan Peck is bringing so many good things to his portrayal of Spock. Pike's pirate excursion was delightful and I'm becoming genuinely heartbroken for how Chapel's feelings are being thrown around.

The real star here turned out to be Jesse James Keitel who absolutely slayed it, creating a character that I am super eager to see return. Slightly less impressive was the pirate Remy who felt like he was there only for joke purposes. Still fun though, especially as we got to see Pike in armoured apron.

And wow, that ending twist! I didn't even realise how much I wanted that until it happened.

Keep doing what you're doing, Strange New Worlds. This is so much fun. I just wish we were getting more Hemmer.

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Action, deceit, love, betrayal... This was an excellent soap-opera episode!

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It's ironic. All these people in the comments seem to despise the ideals The Federation stands for.

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I'm so happy with this show, it's classic Trek! I don't understand the hate in the comments, though. Granted, sometimes there's a dirty plot solution, but not generally and we're not here for a movie level of wrapping most things up.

Goofiness is exactly what TOS was about. And the entirety of Trek was woke before the term became a thing, you conservatives or bigots should take a page from the social commentary. All of your complaints show a lack of having ever understood what Star Trek and the future it portrays are about. Your current mindset is not present in that future. Hell, Trek history has had a third World War and a Eugenics War to boot with people like you.

Watch it and at least try to enjoy whatever it is you do like about it or leave and find something else to enjoy instead of being salty melting snowflakes in the comments.

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I think all you have to do is suspend your disbelief a little with these shows and enjoy it for what it is, of course there are plot holes and stuff but it’s a great show.

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Quick question: if you need two days to reach Starfleet with your subspace message and you can talk in realtime to a Spock's girlfriend, why not route your subspace communications over her place?

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Someone’s been watching Guardians of the Galaxy, that’s Taserface only he’s green lol

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There were a million cooler looking aliens as background characters, but they decided the main boss should be a dude who looks like he stumbled back from a football game... wut ?

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Is it me or is Spock’s hairline uneven? This should be called Strange New Hair

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While not as good as last week's episode, this still was pretty enjoyable. Poor Chapel, though. Spock and T'Pring are funny to watch, still, how T'Pring can think that she isn't driven by emotions is beyond me. The Sybok twist in the end was fun. Thought something was fishy with that counselor, she acted much more naturally and comfortably when her identity was revealed.

And I love Pike and the easygoing (yet still competent) way of leading the ship. All those little quips really liven things up on the bridge (or in every single one of his interactions with the crew).

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Wrote 14 Episodes of arrow. That explains a lot...

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Did T'Pring call that one guy Stonn? Spock's rival for T'Pring's hand in marriage. T'Pring selected Kirk as her champion so Stonn could avoid injury during a wedding death match. Stonn later wed T'Pring in 2267. That's #2 now for Spock. TOO KISSY!

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I hope this was a one-off misstep.

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Another solid outing, and a nice mix of action and fun and even a little romance, as well as another callback to classic TOS. Again, is it perfect? Of course not. Are some folks with an obvious agenda trying way too hard to justify hating on it here and elsewhere? Oh, yes.

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Really... That's the best you have?
What a mess.
Come on now, admit it. This is a parody show to rip Star Trek, it's gotta be.

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Another fantastic episode from what has been an absolutely delightful first season. Did not see the Dr Aspen twist coming which made up for the whole "pirates taking over the ship" plot being a bit predictable at first. Definitely excited for the last few episodes, but at the same time I'm absolutely not ready for it to end.

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Trans actors destroy all the joy of watching anything. What a wasted episode. I don’t want to see stuff like this being promoted. It’s sick and harmful.

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This episode is pure fun.

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This show is really the best Star Trek show in a long time.

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So Oirish Trump space pirate. Seems legit.

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