First 1min 52secs are amazing!!!!! There is a Saladin Class ship and the Captain is watching The Day the Earth Stood Still. :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:. I'm going to rewind and watch the beginning again!

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Pleasedontsuck. Pleasedontsuck. Pleasedontsuck.
Three minutes in, the communicator keeps beeping: "The phone's ringing again."
Oh no...
A few minutes later.
T'Pring: "Will you marry me?"
Spock: "I was beginning to think you would never ask."

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Well, I can't speak for hardcore trekkies, but as someone who watched all shows (except STD, which i dropped after season 2) I think it has potential. At least it's entertaining so far. Set after Archer and before Kirk, I'm still missing LCARS though ;)

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An absolutely wonderful beginning. All the spirit of classic Trek, characters that are vibrant, a sense of fun and adventure, and it brings up relevant modern issues like Trek always has. I can't wait to see where we go from here. Anson Mount and Ethan Peck are just brilliant in their roles as we already knew, but the new cast seem to fit immediately too. Celia Rose Gooding in particular captured the vibe of Uhura very well, even though we saw so little of her. And that was a nice little surprise with the Lieutenant at the end.

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A reasonable story in this first outing and spin-off of Discovery. We are still in the same new universe otherwise there are continuity issues with technology and decor. It felt a bit recycled from other parts of the IP, but then to give a new show its due, it's about showcasing and reassuring the fanbase. Back to the original episodic storytelling, but that will disappear no doubt once it builds up a mythos. Great acting, though some costuming seems bizarre, probably to make up for the lack of female legs on display. Nurse Chapel particularly looks odd to me. I suppose she at least sticks out from the clothing uniformity. I'll warm up to it no doubt after a few episodes. Mind you mythic canons are meant to be upset and rendered confusing so I don't care really that much about discontinuities, just bring me a couple of great stories and interesting antagonists, pseudo or otherwise, and I'll be happy.

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Welcome back, proper Star Trek!

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I really enjoyed it: the atmosphere, camraderie, cast.. really nice start!

p.s. given the diversity of the Enterprise crew, I have in mind that there's the usual bunch of viewers with their hand on the holster, looking closely and ready to jump up if in any of the next episode something does... anything basically. I've seen someone starting already being polemic over the references to our 21st century...
Man, is this current social climate tiring, innit?
Rant over, random viewer out

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Anson Mount's hair should have its own show.. I can't stop watching his hair, its distracting. And yes, the show is GREAT, I'm going for a second watch..

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The beginning and marriage proposal got me a little perplexed but it quickly took its pace and the synergy between the cast seems nice. I quite enjoyed it in the end

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I can't remember the last time I was this excited over a Star Trek show. Anson Mount is perfect for this franchise and I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Hit it!

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The real Star Trek formula is back baby!! Finally.

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I was never really a fan of TOS, I grew up on TNG, DS9 and the movies, so, TOS was a little too dated for me by the time I saw it. So, I had low expectations for this one, but, I'm thrilled to say how wrong I was. We may be only one episode in, but so far, this is everything I could want Star Trek to be.

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Nothing will top Discovery for the most insulting Star Trek series but this one comes pretty damn close. It feels like it's been written by people who have never seen a Star Trek before. Total disregard for history . Annoying one dimensional characters who are never wrong.
I think the best part about these prequel Star Trek's is that Aldi's woke aspects are failed ships as we know the most stable series already establishes common sense prevails in the end.

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Fair enough beginning. I really hope they don't screw this one up.

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The series promised. I thought it was fantastic that they talked about the "future" of Earth.

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Other than the romantic introduction with Spock. What a fantastic start. Also, The shout-out to "The Day The Earth Stood Still" fit well with this episode. This could be the series that brings all ST fans younger and old together as it always should have been.

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It seems interesting, but it seemed like this episode didn't really have a significant storyline. It felt like there was never really any conflict, just dramatically-read lines. I'm still gonna give the show a chance because I'm assuming this is just an intro episode

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This seems more like proper Star Trek. There seems to be some overpopulation with female members in the the crew. The recent tries at new beginnings in the Star Trek universe failed. I am kind of sick of spin-offs, but let's hope this will be better.

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Loved it started well and continued the character building from the cameos in Discovery. I think those who are saying it’s a proper Star Trek need to realise the characters blooded in Discovery are reaping the rewards now and the show hopefully will live up to expectations. Looking forward to where this season might boldly go…

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That was a nice ride. I liked the story & solution. The actors are believable in there characters even if there are some I'll need a little bit of getting used to.

What I didn't like was that the music sounded "a bit off" (maybe too near "the original"?) and the cameras (mostly on the bridge) were unnecessarily moving too much. And too much light on the bridge. And I could live without Pike's death struggle.

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What a great new start to a series. I hope it will keep it up. I'm already waiting for next weeks episode and to get to know the new interesting characters. Funny plot for this episode.

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It's better that what I expected (after Picard, ugh what a mess), but still wish they just stopped droning on about 21rst century issues.

Also annoying that you have to follow all their previous garbage to connect the dots on this. Again, hopefully it doesn't get brought up much.

They've got a great set up, but all the time in the world to crap up the landing. Fingers crossed.

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Holy crap that episode was incredible, this is the Star Trek that we've been missing since TNG, Voyager, Deep Space 9 ended all those years ago.
Anson Mount is an amazing Christopher Pike.
And they've gone back to the episodic style as well :D.

And that little nod to April Nocifora at the end was nice too.

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What an amazing start! I've never been the biggest fan of Star Trek but this looks promising. Can't wait to see the next adventures and getting to know the characters.

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Another series Plagued with feminist crap, I couldn’t even suffer through two episodes without fast forwarding through 90% of it it’s just typical California Hollywood progressive crap.

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God this was so good please don’t let them fuck it up!!!!

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It reminds me of the Orville which is a good thing.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Really enjoyed this opening episode. Great establishment of new characters and dynamics. Good old school Star Trek vibe with just enough modern elements that make sense.
New Security officer is like a lil Camina Drummer and I love that.
I force fed myself another season of Discovery to get to this point and I'm glad to see it's very different from that show already!

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Good Start
Let's see if it can
Star Trek Discovery
Will always be my
Number 1 Trek
Show of all time, it's just
so Frickin Awesome
to the point of being
a flawless Masterpiece
with not one bad episode
throughout all the seasons.
I can't see this show coming
anywhere near as
Phenomenal as
but I've loved and enjoyed
every Trek incarnations
over the decades
some more than others
I'm willing to give this
one a shot, let's see
what this brings to the
Ready Room Table.

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Yea the "signs" are obviously and I won’t go down there, it is what is with these "modern" productions today. I am cautiously optimistic on this one. Because it looks good, sounds good and it was a classic Trek story to rapidly step into the setting. I’ll give it a chance. Let’s go second episode.

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That presentation. :ok_hand_tone4: chefs kiss

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I really enjoyed this episode. It brought a small tear to my eye and lifted my spirits.
I only watched some of Discovery and stopped watching when what's her name went to the future. I don't remenber what happened to Pike from the flashbacks, is that worth watching on the appropriate Discovery episodes? What are they?

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Shout by Felipe

silence, the american white starman is talking

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That was just great. Had a smile on my face from beginning to the end!

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I have loved Anson Mount ever since I saw him in Hell on Wheels which was my fave AMC show. I like him in this!!! I loved this opening episode and how they have cast the other players. I am excited about the season. Let's hope they keep episodes light and Trek-like and not get too much social commentary and such saturating this. I also think this is the only theme song from all of the Trek franchises that I like.

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This looks very promising. Hope it continues that way!

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Well it's official. Star Trek is dead. Couldn't even make it five minutes. Damn shame as it's the perfect vehicle to discuss a lot of issues the world is facing.

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