Well, they've dragged the big "reveal" out for 9 episodes, with one more to go, although I have to admit that their little sting operation was a pretty good move, given the moral / immoral options they had to chose from. Hopefully Gwyn won't fall prey to Daddy dearest's seductive machinations, and Janeway is preserved somewhere, ready to pounce when needed. But I have a feeling "cliff hanger" will be part of our collective vocabulary for the next few months.

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We lose some of the compression seen in other episodes here - a very extended heist prep montage, plus a very extended victorious we're-in-uniform sequence, plus a very extended victorious go-to-warp sequence, all adds up to a lot of unearned celebration and it drags. And later we have a very extended victorious miners-are-free-sort-of sequence... we really have only about ten minutes of story in this ep.

The theft of the drive and hiding Murph in a Zero decoy is cleverly told - I love that we have all the clues to put it together. I'm reserving full judgment until part 2, but some of the other parts of the plan seem like they might involve unreasonable mind-reading of the Diviner's moves. (That our heroes are just faking being worried about losing gravity and atmosphere and having giant chunks of an asteroid fall on them, despite also signalling that they didn't exactly anticipate that, is pretty confusing given the information we have so far.)

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